Saturday, November 13, 2010

Book Review: Venom by Jennifer Estep

Release Date: September 28, 2010
Publisher: Pocket
ISBN: #9781439148013
Genre: Urban Fantasy 
It’s hard to be a badass assas­sin when a giant is beat­ing the crap out of you. Luck­ily, I never let pride get in the way of my work. My cur­rent mis­sion is per­sonal: anni­hi­late Mab Mon­roe, the Fire ele­men­tal who mur­dered my fam­ily. Which means pro­tect­ing my iden­tity, even if I have to con­ceal my pow­er­ful Stone and Ice magic when I need it most. To the pub­lic, I’m Gin Blanco, owner of Ashland’s best bar­be­cue joint. To my friends, I’m the Spi­der, retired assas­sin. I still do favors on the side. Like rid­ding a vam­pire friend of her over­sized stalker—Mab’s right-hand goon who almost got me dead with his mas­sive fists. At least irre­sistible Owen Grayson is on my side. The man knows too much about me, but I’ll take my chances. Then there’s Detec­tive Bria Coolidge, one of Ashland’s finest. Until recently, I thought my baby sis­ter was dead. She prob­a­bly thinks the same about me. Lit­tle does she know, I’m a cold-blooded killer … who is about to save her life.

Gin is really getting things started with Mab in this book, I LOVE IT. Adding in Bria is awesome as well. I'm excited to see what happens between Gin and Bria and how Bria reacts when she finds out who Gin really is. It amazes me all the action Gin gets for being retired!! I also was super happy with Owen in this book, he is one hot hot man!! I cant wait until Gin kicks some Mab butt, the time cant come soon enough.

I give it a 5/5 stars


  1. Hiya again! :-)
    I've been tempted to pick this book up before because it seemed right up my alley -- I'm glad you enjoyed it!


  2. The Elemental Assassin series is one of my favorite series, You wont be disappointing.

  3. Hi Stacy! I am your 50th follower!!! Whooohooo! That is a great number! Congratulations!:-)
    Thank you for following me and you convinced me on Venom. I have been eying it for a few. Great stuff! I will definitely be back.

    Happy Reading!

  4. Hey Talina!!! Thanks for following and being my 50th follower :) I have a contest up, make sure you join in since you officially completed the challenge and got me to 50, Have a great weekend.


Thanks for stopping by =)