Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Early Review: The Wood Queen by Karen Mahoney

The Wood Queen
Author: Karen Mahoney
Release Date: February 8, 2012
Publisher: Flux
The Iron Witch Book #2
ISBN:   0738726621
ISBN13: 9780738726625
Genre: Young Adult
Review Copy Source: Publisher

Donna Underwood is facing an alchemist tribunal for stealing the elixir of life when her ailing mother takes a turn for the worse.
Donna seeks an audience with Aliette, the Wood Queen, who offers a deal: if Donna can use her powers to open the door to Faerie and send the wood elves home, Aliette will free her mother from the elven curse that shattered her mind.
Along with friends Navin and the half-fey Xan, Donna struggles to unlock the secrets of her iron tattoos in time to save her mother's life. But she discovers that some secrets might be better left untold . . .

THE WOOD QUEEN starts up right where THE IRON WITCH left off. Donna is now on trial for for stealing the elixir of life. The Wood Queen comes to Donna with a request for help and dangles her mother and her worsened condition over her head to get her to help. And if that isn't enough, her Iron Tattoos are starting to act a bit weird. Donna learns a lot in book 2. She finds out quite a bit about her powers, learns about secret plots to use her in horrible ways, and secrets that have been hidden from her. Things she thought she knew were false and people she thought were on her side disappoint her.

Donna continues to be an interesting character. I love her iron tattoos and it was great to find out more about them and how they both saved her as well as hinder her now in some ways. I like that she doesn't meekly follow along when she knows she doesn't agree with things people are doing. Navin has had a hard time dealing with all that happened in book 1 to him and the secrets that were kept from him but he is still whole heartedly Donna's best friend and is there for her every step of the events in THE WOOD QUEEN. I really hope he continues to be in on the next adventure, I couldn't imagine him not being there. Xan, uggh I just cant figure him out. I really liked him and what he brought to THE IRON WITCH but so many things about him are up in the air. When you think you know everything about him something else pops up to make you go hmmm. The ending kinda left their relationship (Donna and Xan) up in the air and I'm hoping we finally get to know him in book 3 if he is still involved. There were a few new characters introduced that I'm sure we will see more of in the future. Robert Lee who I think is a great new ally and the Demon King that I cant imagine will bring anything but trouble.

THE WOOD QUEEN brought us plenty of action, mystery, and suspense. The pace is smooth and the plot full of twists and turns. I couldn't imagine not reading what comes next for Donna. I recommend that new readers to the series start with book 1.

I gave it 4/5 stars

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