UFI welcomes Jaime Rush Author of The Offspring Series. Thanks for Joining us!!
I thought it would be fun to interview the hero of my new book, DARKNESS BECOMES HER, with Urban Fantasy Investigations' This or That questions. I always do an interview before the book begins, but checking in after the book is done is a different kind of chat.
Jaime: Hi, Lachlan! It's been a while since we talked—
Lachlan: Talked! You put me through hell, you did.
Jaime: Yeah, sorry about that. What can I say, the readers like it.
Lachlan: Nay, I think you like it, evil wench.
Jaime: Heh. Yeah, I do. But you are better off now, you have to admit.
Lachlan: Aye, definitely. Jess and I … [eyes me with suspicion] What do you want?
Jaime: No need to look at me like that. I promise, I'm not throwing you into danger, sending hell doggies after you, testing your loyalties and hard-won honor or making you fall in love with the one woman you can't have.
Lachlan: Oh, well then, bring it on.
Jaime: This will be fun, I promise.
Lachlan: That's what you said when you sat me down before you started writing the book.
Jaime: Well, it was fun … for me, anyway.
Lachlan: Bloody hell, you've got a warped sense of fun. Go on then.
Jaime: These are This and That questions. You just pick one or the other.
Lachlan: Alright, it doesn't sound too awful … [Cracks his knuckles] Bring them on.
Coffee or Tea
Tea, the gourmet kind with the loose leaves. My mum came from Scotland, so tea was the norm for her. My dad picked it up, and so did I. I use my dad's special tea pot, because it reminds me of him.
Pizza or Pasta
Pizza. It's easy to eat, and hell, you don't even need a plate. I just eat it right out of the box. [Jessie nudges him.] Well, I used to, anyway. Before I had to get civilized and all.
Up or Down
When I'm working with my swords, bringing them down is a lot easier, and you can use your strength to, say, cut someone's head off. Like wicked authors. Oh, did I say that?
Coke or Pepsi
When I indulge in the occasional soda, it's an orange one.
Werewolves or Vampires
After dealing with the beasties that look like wolves, I think I'd take my chances on a vampire.
Left or Right
Right. Always.
Angels or Demons
Jessie's an angel, though I thought she was a demon for a while. I'll definitely take the angel side. She's got her moments—ouch!
Facebook or Twitter.
Who has time for computers? [wicked grin] I've got much better things to occupy my time with.
Thanks, Lachlan, for indulging me one last time!
I'm celebrating the release of DARKNESS BECOMES HER with my Kick Butt First Line contest. Shocking, suspenseful…make us want more! Cash prizes! Contest runs until July 1, 2012. For aspiring authors, it's a chance to get your name out there and add a "win" to your bio. For readers, it's a chance to play at being a writer. Even if you're not inclined to write a line, check out the entries—they're a lot of fun! For details, go to www.JaimeRush.com and click on the Contest link.
Win a copy of DARKNESS BECOMES HER! Comment or stretch your evil mind … if you could put a person or character through some tortuous situation, what would it be?
Here's a sneak peek!
“You’re going
to just run away? Again.”
Jessie shrugged
out of Lachlan's grip. “Running is working for me so far. You make it sound
like I’ve got a bevy of choices. I can’t go to the police. They’d only lock me
away in the loony bin, and besides, they wouldn’t be able to help me, anyway.
Make nice with Russell? Not likely.”
“You can throw
him, and he can tear you apart. How long do you think you can stay ahead of the
“As long as I
can. What else can I do?”
“Kill him.”
She laughed,
especially seeing that he was serious. “I’m capable of fending off an attack,
as you know. But that’s a far cry from planning to kill someone, even with a
good reason. He's stronger, and hell, I don't even know what I am, much less
how to use it to defeat him.”
He was shaking
his head. "When Magnus wakes, I'm going to have to tell him there's some
new supernatural essence in him. That's going to be bad enough. If I tell him I
let you leave, a lamb sent to the slaughterhouse, he'll have my head and
rightfully so."
Part of her
softened at the thought of not being alone. She had been alone for so long,
holding her secrets, her pain. "I saw kids who were given a death sentence
because of a disease that ravaged their bodies bit by bit. At least I won't die
like that. If it comes, it'll be over quickly."
"How did
you come to be in a place where children died?"
"I lived
with a couple who fostered special needs kids."
He looked her
up and down, searing her with his gaze. "You were ill?"
"Not like
He braced one
hand against the wall, leaning closer. "When you watched those children
dying, did it kill you too that you couldn't do anything to help them?"
His words cut
into her. "Yes."
diseases, they were monsters you couldn't defeat."
She shook her
"I watched
people I love die, too, unable to do anything to save them. So you'll
understand why I can't let you walk out there alone."
Find Jaime and her books

Darkness Becomes Her
Offspring #6
May 29, 2012
Lachlan McLeod, a man beyond redemption, has a mission: find the beast who put his brother into a coma. He'll start with Jessie Bellandre, his brother's girlfriend, who's harboring a dark, dangerous secret that could get them all killed. Honor is all Lachlan has, and as they plumb the depths of Darkness, not falling in love with her will be as hard as staying alive.
Thanks so much for having me!
ReplyDeleteThanks for a fun interview! I haven't read this series yet but it's at the top of my wishlist :)
ReplyDeleteUmmmm... if I could "torture" one hero it would have to be Roarke from JD Robb's In Death series. I would force him to wear cheap knock off department store clothes, eat at Burger King and drive an old beater car. Oh and buzz off his hair... well... maybe not that!
LOL, too funny, Erin!
ReplyDeleteI would torture an ex who cheated. Glad he is gone cause I have a great hubby now but if I could I would probably cut his uhmm privates off and feed it to starving dogs while I made him watch.
ReplyDeleteHmm as you can tell I hate cheaters lol.
I would torture a cheating ex by making him watch some other guy make love to me right in front of him and then I would lock him and chain him in the basement.
ReplyDeleteI think one of the most tortuous situations is to think someone you love is in danger of dying and your hands are tied, you can't get to them to save them, so that's what I'd put my character through. After they thought their loved one was dead, several days pass before they find out they're alive.
ReplyDeleteOOh, I like you're kind of evil, Pam. I hear ya on cheaters.
ReplyDeleteTore, another wicked woman :) Yeah, babe, make him watch!
Barbara, I love those kinds of situations, too. I like to have a scene where one thinks the other is going to die. It's so heart-wrenching and then such a huge pay off when they survive.
sorry dont hate someone enough to torture at this time, lol
ReplyDeleteThe worst thing I can think of would not be able to help those you love if they are in danger. However I think the only people I would ever wish to feel that much torture wouldnt care anyway so I dont know what I would want to do to them.
ReplyDeletePeople who bully and harass should receive the same treatment in multitude.
ReplyDeleteThere's a bully I can think of (and her two little followers) I had when I was in 4th grade that I wouldn't mind if they got a taste of their own medicine
ReplyDeleteThe worst thing I can think of woud be for their child to be in danger and they can't help.If I put someone through that I'd have to give them an out like maybe having to take whatever their child was going through themselves.