UFI welcomes Ivy Bateman Author of I'll Call You Alice. Thanks for Joining us!!
What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
My readers, unless they know me, don’t know what I actually look like. The picture I use is a drawing of “Ivy” that my husband did for me when my first ebook was published. It’s a personal choice to hide behind a persona and one that I sometimes struggle with because it does put boundaries on how I can market myself and my work. However, I live in a small town that tends to enjoy gossip and I have a pre-teen who doesn’t need all her friends to know what I do in my spare time. So for now “Ivy” is what I look like.
What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
I enjoy watching British TV shows, acting in community theatre plays, and playing guitar. I have quite the repertoire of parody songs (that I’ve penned) and slow acoustic versions of 80’s hits. Sometimes I spring them on friends at parties. My songs are usually greeted with mild bemusement and laughter.
What is your Favorite part of writing?
On the Nerdist Podcast back in November, 2013, the lovely Tom Hiddleston said that one of the things he enjoys most about being a performer is creating something where once there was nothing. For example you start with idea of putting on a play where there wasn’t a play before and soon, after a lot of work, you have created something from nothing. I feel that way about writing. I love the blank page, the nothing, and creating it into something. It’s very rewarding.
Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
No, not really. The only thing that must happen for me to feel comfortable with my work is for my husband to read it before I send it in. He is far better at grammar than I am and very good at catching many of my mistakes.
What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Genres?
I love Neil Gaiman and Sharon Shinn and while I love most of their work my favorites are Neverwhere and Archangel, respectively.
How would you pitch I’ll Call You Alice to someone who has not heard of it before?
Do you like “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”? Do you like the idea of having a tea party in the woods with three hot guys? If you answer yes or even perhaps to either of these questions that I strong suggest you read “I’ll Call You Alice”.
Can you tell us a little bit about the world that “I’ll Call You Alice” is set in?
It’s set in modern times and takes place in a bistro and the woods. It’s short, sweet, and kind of hot. Much like how I enjoy my tea!
Do you have a favorite scene in “I’ll Call you Alice”?
My favorite scene is probably when Val arrives at the bistro and has a brief, but strange encounter with a man in a very silly top hat.
Which character was your favorite to write about? What about the hardest to write about?
I really enjoyed writing all of the characters, especially the Mad Hatter character. The part I found the most difficult was coming with a fairly even amount of dialogue for all of the characters. There are four of them and it’s not a long story, but I wanted each of them to have their say in a way that the reader will feel they know them, at least enough for the story.
What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
I really hope to have a holiday story come out at the end of the year with Breathless Press, but if that’s to be the case, I need to get writing and very soon. If you’d like to read my stories, they’re all available on the Breathless Press website.
Thanks very much for having me on today!
Happy Reading,
Ivy Bateman
Ivy Bateman: I’ll Call You Alice
Today we have Val, the heroine from “I’ll Call You Alice” by Ivy Bateman, here with us to play the This or That Interview on Urban Fantasy. Take it away Val!
Angels or Demons : Ooo…can I say both? I like a little good with my bad, you know?
Vampires or Shifters : Vampires, hands down. I just can’t get on board with Shifters.
Left or Right: Right, I guess. I mean I’m right handed. That’s what you mean isn’t it?
Up or Down : Up because up is happy and down is sad. Hmmm… that answer sounds kind of cheesy, but it’s how I feel.
Pizza or Pasta: Pizza! Thin crust with a pesto mayo sauce! Yummy!
Coffee or Tea: Coffee…although after my blind date in the woods with that delicious trio, I must say that I’ve developed quite the tea habit.
Coke or Pepsi : Coke? I’m not picky though. Whatever’s handy.
YA or Adult: Adult, but it doesn’t have to Adult, if you know what I mean.
Knives or Guns : Neither.
Reading or Writing: Reading, but writing has its appeal and now that I actually have occasion adventure in my life, I have something to write about.
Facebook or Twitter: Twitter, it’s just quicker.
When she was just nine, this girl began her journey for a life on the stage. Attempts were made, classes were taken, lessons were well learned but, at the end of the day, a decision to live life off the stage was made. But all was not lost. While at college she met the love of her life and his support and strength has helped her to see that she has talent waiting around many corners.
When the stage beckons, she answers its call, and her new passion for writing has enhanced many of her theatre dreams and as well as the occasional book, she now occasionally writes a play.
The love of her life generously reads everything she writes and although he may not always be her muse, he is always her biggest fan.
I'll Call You Alice is Ivy's fifth release with Breathless Press. She is excited that it will not only be released on its own but also as a part of a print anthology called Wonderland Tales, which will feature many Breathless Press author's tales inspired by the Alice stories. Between the Lines, Ivy's first Breathless Press release was released in January, 2012. This was followed by The Fifth Story in September, 2012, Baby, You're Cold Inside in December, 2012 and Christmas Eve Surprise in December, 2013.
Find Ivy and her books

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Once upon a time a girl named Val was late for her very important blind date.__________________________________
After not meeting up with her blind date at a local bistro, Val finds herself dressed up as Alice and attending the Mad Hatter's Tea Party in the woods with three sexy guys. Seeking an adventure, Val dives into the world of fantasy and does what anyone in her situation would do: a foursome!
"You said in your dating profile you were seeking adventure," said the over-excited mouse. Val suddenly realized he was the waiter who had first served her at the restaurant. "You stated," he continued, "that your life was dull and that you were seeking someone who could give you something new. So...ta-dah! We are the someones." He paused for effect. "We want to give you new somethings!"
Val rose from the table and backed away. The drugged tea was gone from her system, but she stood up too fast and had to steady herself on a chair. "My profile? You are all my blind date?"
"That’s right," they said in unison.
She didn't know whether she was flattered, or horrified. "You—I should leave. You drugged me, sort of kidnapped me, and are calling me Alice because I said I wanted adventure. This is just a little too bizarre for me. I think I'll go back to my dull life." She started to walk out of the woods, but stopped. Val had no idea where she was. She could chance it and find the main road. If luck was on her side she could find her way back to town. "And then what?" she muttered. "Go home and pine once again for a life less ordinary?"
Instead, she turned back to the tea party. The three of them were watching her, waiting patiently for her to make up her mind. Val bit her lip. What should she do? The whole scene laid out in front of her was surreal and strange; something out of a story. Surprisingly though, it wasn't scary. Yes, she was stuck in the woods with three odd, but undeniably attractive men who had gone to a lot of trouble to give her a blind date that would really stick in her memory. She was touched by their showmanship, but was it too weird?
She studied each of them in turn. The Mad Hatter was grinning, well madly. His eyes were full of mischief and were quite sexy. The White Rabbit had beautifully muscled legs. The bike shorts were showing them off, and what was tucked inside of them, nicely. The Mouse was staring openly at her breasts. The dress and apron did more to showcase her body than hide it and he was definitely enjoying the view.
Val had to admit she was extremely flattered by their attention. They seemed very sincere and eager for her company. Plus they were charming and looked completely harmless. She wasn't getting creepy vibes off any of them. It probably wouldn't hurt to stay and experience a unique date. Yes, this was more out there than she would ever have thought she would be a part of, but it was new and it was an adventure which was what she'd been seeking when she signed herself up on that dating site. Why not see where this led?
"Are you going to stay at our tea party?" asked the Mouse.
Val took a deep breath. As she let it out she nodded and said, "Yes, but I must be mad."
The Mad Hatter giggled loudly. "We're all mad here, Alice! Oh, I can't believe I actually got to say that! How wonderful!" He leaned across the table and slapped five with the White Rabbit.
"So," she said as she laughed along with them and sat back down at the table. "What did you have in mind?"
All three men cheered, but it was the Mad Hatter who told Val the plan. "We'd like to play a game."
"What kind of game? I'm not all that good at games."
The Mouse tittered. "Actually, that's not a problem for us. We were rather hoping you wouldn't be."
Happy 5th Birthday Breathless Press!!
August, Breathless Press is turning 5! To celebrate we are releasing a limited
edition Hardcover collection of our special birthday Wonderland Tales and to make sure that you're able to indulge in a
little birthday fun, we are also having a month long 50% off sale across our
site (www.breathlesspress.com).
Wonderland Tales HC
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