Shadow's Awakening
Publication Date: August 21, 2014

Hannah Green wants her life back. In the past three years she’s gone from promising graduate student to patient in a mental hospital. Now, she’s being held prisoner by a terrifying group of men who believe she has a mysterious power. She wants to think they’re wrong, but something inside her has changed. If only she could use her p0wer to set herself free.Conner’s entire life, he’s played by the rules. He’s a soldier. A leader. He knows better than anyone that contact with the Shadows is forbidden. So when a midnight phone call demands he rescue one from a nest of demons, he has no intention of following through. Until he sets eyes on Hannah. Brave, beautiful and determined to survive. Conner can’t walk away.
When you’ve worked so hard to make the right choices, temptation can be a kind of torture. Conner knows he should turn Hannah over to the Shadows. Hannah wants to be grateful for her rescue and let Conner go. But when love and desire bind two strangers together, they have to choose between what they think is right and what they know they need.

What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from
looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
I’m a pretty big geek. I love tinkering with computers, and I used to design
websites. I don’t have a great eye for design, but I loved the technical aspects
of putting the sites together. I do all the home theater stuff in my house and I
have to say, we have a pretty awesome system J I don’t know how to write code
very well, but I have an app to teach coding to kids and my son and I are
learning together. So I can code as well as a five year old.
What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
Mainly reading J When I’m not curled up with a book, I like yoga, hiking,
hanging out with my boys, watching movies and occasionally knitting when I can
get the time away from grabby little hands. And cooking.
What is your Favorite part of writing?
Feeling the story come together and take on it’s own momentum. There’s
usually a point when it all takes off on it’s own and I’m just trying to keep
up. That’s the most fun.
Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
I seem to write best at my laptop and not all that well at a desk. And I need
quiet or at least consistent background noise. It also helps to have at least a
few hours in a row to work. I’ve tried to work in short bursts and by the time
I’ve fiddled around with email, not much gets done. I’ve learned this summer
that I don’t write well when I’m on vacation or when my older son – who doesn’t
nap – is home from school.
What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/
Paranormal Genres?
Nalini Singh, Kresley Cole, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Alexandra Ivy, JR Ward,
Patricia Briggs and SM Reine are some of my favorites. The first paranormal
romance I read was from the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon and it
changed my life. I remember thinking, “This is what I’ve been dying to read all
these years!”
How would you pitch Shadow's Awakening to someone who has not heard
of it before?
Hannah has spent the last few years watching her life swirl down the drain.
She’s lost her mother, has an undiagnosed mental illness and, when the story
opens, is being held prisoner. When Conner helps her escape, he doesn’t just
free her from her prison, he introduces her to a whole new world. She’s not
sick, she’s an untrained Shadow, one of an ancient breed of demon fighters.
Conner’s mission is to reunite her with her people, not to fall for her. When
they confront secrets, lies and corruption, things get far more complicated than
Conner or Hannah are prepared for.
Can you tell us a little bit about the world that the Shadow Warder
series is set in?
The main characters in the Shadow Warder world are the Warders and the
Shadows, ancient warriors created to protect humanity from the Vorati demons.
Over fifteen hundred years ago, the Shadows and Warders were driven apart by
betrayal. Since then, they have worked apart, all contact between them
forbidden. But the Vorati demons are gaining in strength and they aren’t strong
enough on their own to keep their human charges safe. As their world changes,
they’ll have to decide if they want to hold on to the past, or look to their
Do you have a favorite scene in Shadow's Awakening?
It’s hard to pick since there are favorite parts all through the book, but I
think my very favorite scene is the one where Conner helps Hannah escape
captivity. In the first draft, Hannah was fairly passive. But that wasn’t really
her. As it ended up, she takes control and works with Conner to help herself. I
loved seeing that strength of will in her. And so did Conner.
Which one character out of all your books was your favorite to write
about? What about the hardest to write about?
Zach is probably the most fun. He’s a Shadow Oracle and a bit of a smart ass.
But his attitude masks the heavy weight of his foresight. Both Kate and Sorcha
are the hardest. I feel deeply for both of them, and while I think that makes
for a better story, it can also make it harder to write. Kate is very angry. She
has her reasons, and sometimes her anger makes her funny, but knowing the source
of her pain, it also makes it uncomfortable to dig into. Sorcha is the heroine
of the second book in the Shadow Warder Series, which I’m finishing right now. I
absolutely love her. And I’m really having fun bringing her together with
Kiernan. But some of the challenges she faces are more heart wrenching to me
than I expected.
What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
I plan to continue with The Shadow Warder Series, as well as introduce a new
series next year. The Delectavi Series will take place in the same world as the
Shadow Warders, but it deals with another set of characters. The books will be a
combination of paranormal and erotic romance. A little racier than the Shadow
Warder series, and a bit less serious. But not completely - I’m not sure I can
do lighthearted. So far the plan is a little more sex and a little less
fighting. But we’ll see how they come out J
About Molle McGregor
Molle’s writing career started when she was seven and suffered terrible insomnia. Night after night she couldn’t sleep until long after mid-night, only to wake a few hours later. Frustrated with her inability to just go to bed, (and her penchant for sneaking a book and a flashlight under the covers) her grandmother said, “You like to read so much, why don’t you tell yourself a story until you fall asleep.” With this brilliant advice, Molle’s overactive brain was off and running. Now, years later, she’s finally taught herself to sleep, but she’s never stopped telling stories.
When she’s not reading, writing, or staring into space making things up, Molle is getting into trouble with her husband, two sons, two dogs and vicious attack cat in the mountains of North Carolina. She likes to hike, cook, listen to music way too loud, and hang out with her boys. She does not like dusting or emptying the dishwasher.
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