UFI welcomes Author Laury Falter. Thanks for Joining us!!
What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
I’m a news addict. I sometimes know more about current events than professional journalists because I read all news outlets voraciously. Yeah…I know, but everyone’s gotta have a vice… And I don’t keep a notebook handy for jotting thoughts for the books I’m writing. Instead, I hastily rush to find a scrap piece of paper and have ended up with napkins, book sleeves, and mail packages with my scribbling on them around my desk. Not very effective and pretty messy, but it works.
What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
I love sailing, from the first moment I took the tiller in a small dingy in the Santa Barbara harbor I’ve been hooked. It’s a little like surfing, peaceful at times and exhilarating during others. When I’m not on a boat (or writing), I’m hanging out with friends and family, walking my dogs, perfecting my one-handed golf putt, or checking out culinary events (so I can try to recreate the recipes at home, which usually end up being creative representations of the originals).
What is your Favorite part of writing?
Without a doubt, the fans. I truly love receiving their emails. They have such a love for my characters and are so involved in them that I’m typically surprised by my fans’ questions. They make me thankful that I’ve written the books, and motivate me to continue writing more.
Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
Yes, I absolutely try to adhere to a schedule, writing a specific word quota a day. Otherwise, the novels would never be finished! And I walk. A lot. Whenever I’m stuck on a specific plot twist or character profile, I clip on my dogs’ leashes and stroll around the neighborhood. The blood flow and time away from focusing hard on the problem somehow brings about a resolution. It works. Trust me.
What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Genres?
Oh, Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga got me hooked on the genre, easily. Since then I’ve been invested in writing, allowing no time for reading. Sadly. I know that’s shameful for an author to admit but when you know the author typically turns around a new book every 3-4 months hopefully you can ignore it.
How would you pitch Fallen, Guardian Trilogy #1 to someone who has not heard of it before?
It’s a bestselling series set in New Orleans in which a teenage girl's life is perpetually in danger, but the attempts on her life are thwarted by her eternal guardian. A page-turner, filled with romance and excitement!
Can you tell us a little bit about the world that Fallen, Guardian Trilogy #1 is set in?
Sure, the novel is set in New Orleans, Louisiana and in the afterlife. The ‘fantasy world’ is embedded in our own real world, so that the fallen angels (the antagonists) look very similar to the rest of us and our protagonist can visit the afterlife at night when she sleeps. I’d like to give you details about the afterlife, but my fans say that is some of the most appealing parts of the novel, so forgive me if I don’t disclose. Don’t want to spoil the surprise.
Do you have a favorite scene in Fallen, Guardian Trilogy #1?
Several, but I’ll share just one…when the person she loves finally admits that he loves her. It’s precious because she has no hope that he ever would, or that she would even life to hear him say it.
Which one character out of all your books was your favorite to write about? What about the hardest to write about? Magdalene “Maggie” Tanner. She is the heart of the Guardian Trilogy books, and it is through her eyes that you see her remember the love that she and her guardian share. Beyond that, she’s a great blend of altruism, compassion, and bravery.
What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
I’m currently working on the 2nd prequel to the Guardian Trilogy (which now makes it a saga) to tell the backstory on how Maggie and the one she loves met and fell in love for the first time. I don’t have a release date set yet, but your fans have four other books in this series to read prior to it being released, so I think I’m in good standing on my schedule (or not so much when I consider most of my fans engulf my books in a day). All the same, I’m writing feverishly and when the next novel is complete I’ll announce it on my social media and website. Until then, hopefully, they enjoy Fallen and the rest of the series!
Laury Falter is a bestselling author of young adult romantic suspense and urban fantasy. She has three series out: the Guardian Trilogy, the Residue Series, and the Apocalypse Chronicles.
Find Laury and her books

Guardian Trilogy #1
Amazon Audible
Fallen - the first book in the bestselling Guardian Trilogy...__________________________________
Maggie is unaware of the terrifying fate that awaits her. It isn’t until she lands in New Orleans for a full year at a private high school and her unknown enemies find her does she realize that her life is in danger.
As a mystifying stranger repeatedly intervenes and blocks the attempts on her life, she begins to learn that there is more to him than his need to protect her and that he may be the key to understanding why her enemies have just now arrived.
“You appear and then vanish like a ghost. You aren’t injured from venomous
snake bites. You aren’t killed by wayward, incredibly sharp arrows.” Then, I
reiterated, “I am the only one who can see you…how is any of this possible?”
“You do pay attention,” he said, sounding almost regretful, though I didn’t
understand why.
“Yes, now will you tell me how you are capable of all that?”
He paused, still looking at me, as he collected his thoughts. The muscles
throughout his body visibly flexed, tensing as he prepared his answer. “I have
certain…gifts…that not many others can claim…gifts of speed, healing, and
regeneration, to name a few.”
He paused, waiting for my reaction.
“Don’t worry so much,” I said, teasingly. “I’m not going to run screaming for
the door.”
We quietly laughed together for a brief moment. When I felt like he was
comfortable again, I asked my next question.
“So, where did you get these gifts? Did your parents take some sort of
special drug?”
“Not exactly. I can’t answer that, as much as I know you’d like me to. Just
suffice, Magdalene, to know that without these gifts, you wouldn’t be here right
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