Thursday, September 4, 2014

Interview & Giveaway : Wickedly Dangerous by Deborah Blake

UFI welcomes Deborah Blake Author of Wickedly Dangerous. Thanks for Joining us!!

 1. When Barbara walks into a room, what music is playing as her theme song and why?

The Flood, by Katie Melua (she’s a fabulous British singer, in case people haven’t heard of her). Because there is something wild and magical and untamable about the song, just like Barbara.

2. Who would win in a fight and why: Chudo in dragon form, or the Hungarian Horntail Harry Potter faces in the Triwizard Tournament?

Chudo-Yudo, of course. Because he is not only a dragon, he’s magical to boot. He can change his shape in an instant, and also, he’s immortal, so he’s been around long enough to have learned quite a few tricks (some of them undoubtedly pretty underhanded).

3. If you could perform a spell/use magic like Barbara in the book, which one would it be and why?

I would definitely like to do magic to heal our poor abused planet. Although that one to conjure up pie would be pretty good too.

4. What is the absolute hardest thing about writing fiction vs. non-fiction?

Creativity. It is tough to write well no matter what you are writing, but with fiction you have to create people, situations, and sometimes entire worlds from scratch, and there are no shortcuts.  (This is also the most fun thing about writing fiction vs. non-fiction, btw.)

5. Finish this sentence: No matter what, my heroes will always…?

Be guys I would want to meet in real life. (I should be so lucky.)

Deborah Blake is the award-winning author of Circle, Coven and Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice (Llewellyn 2007), Everyday Witch A to Z: An Amusing, Inspiring & Informative Guide to the Wonderful World of Witchcraft (Llewellyn 2008), The Goddess is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch (Llewellyn 2009), Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook (July 2010), Witchcraft on a Shoestring (Llewellyn 2010). and, Everyday Witch Book of Rituals (Llewellyn 2012). She has published numerous articles in Llewellyn annuals, as well as other Pagan publications, and her ongoing column, “Magick on a Shoestring” is featured in Witches & Pagans Magazine.

Deborah’s paranormal romance series, The Baba Yaga will be coming in 2014 from Berkley Publishing.

Find Deborah and her books

Wickedly Dangerous
Baba Yaga #1
 Known as the wicked witch of Russian fairy tales, Baba Yaga is not one woman, but rather a title carried by a chosen few. They keep the balance of nature and guard the borders of our world, but don’t make the mistake of crossing one of them…

Older than she looks and powerful beyond measure, Barbara Yager no longer has much in common with the mortal life she left behind long ago. Posing as an herbalist and researcher, she travels the country with her faithful (mostly) dragon-turned-dog in an enchanted Airstream, fulfilling her duties as a Baba Yaga and avoiding any possibility of human attachment.

But when she is summoned to find a missing child, Barbara suddenly finds herself caught up in a web of deceit and an unexpected attraction to the charming but frustrating Sheriff Liam McClellan.

Now, as Barbara fights both human enemies and Otherworld creatures to save the lives of three innocent children, she discovers that her most difficult battle may be with her own heart…


  1. I'm dying for this book :) Thank you for sharing and congrats to Deborah on the new release!

    1. Thank you, Erin! I'm so glad to see people getting excited. I hope you like it :-)

  2. sounds like a great read. And Have added to my wish list.

  3. I'm interested in this book. I don't have too much of a background in Russian folklore so I'm really am interesting in learning more of Baba Yaga.

  4. I'm really excited about this book! It's also made me want to start researching Russian folklore. Hopefully I'll be able to read it soon


Thanks for stopping by =)