Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Promo + Giveaway: Shadow Rites by Faith Hunter

Shadow Rites
Jane Yellowrock #10
Slaying vampires is child’s play for skinwalker Jane Yellowrock. But handling the complicated politics of New Orleans’ supernatural players is another story...

Jane is keeping the peace between visiting groups of witches and vamps in the city, but then trouble comes knocking on her doorstep. When her house is magically attacked, the wild chase to find her assailants unearths a mystery that has literally been buried deep.

A missing master vampire, presumed long deceased, is found chained in a pit...undead, raving mad, and in the company of two human bodies. Now it’s up to Jane to find out who kept the vampire hidden for so long and why, because the incident could tip already high supernatural tensions to an all-out arcane war.

Short Story pt.5:

From the world of Jane Yellowrock
Copyright Faith Hunter

The purple smoke trailing along the middle of the aisle didn’t act like regular smoke. It didn’t spread out and dissipate into the room. It didn’t rise as if heated. It moved almost as if with purpose, in a straight line down the aisle, past our booth, toward the entrance of Stephan’s. And Commander Walker and his wife who were being seated. 
“Problem,” I said, interrupting the waiter’s patter.
“Witch working?” Bruiser asked. He had already seen the smoke.
I sniffed. “Smells like it.”
In an instant everyone moved. Bruiser ducked out and under the purple smoke, to the front of Stephan’s to warn the commander and start clearing the space. Eli went under the table instead of over it and was in the aisle before I noted he had moved, a small weapon at his thigh in a two-hand grip. In a fast, bent-kneed walk, he moved to the rear of the restaurant. The instant he was past, Wrassler stood and pushed the waiter down and to the side. “Get out!” he whispered in a stage whisper that carried through half the restaurant. Everyone nearby looked up. When they moved too slowly, he grabbed up the couple nearest, and started clearing the place physically. Syl followed Eli, weapon drawn. Jodi was calling in the local magical HazMat team. 
For once, I stayed seated and took pics, sending them to the Kid and to Molly, my BFF witch friend with the text, “Problems. Smoke spell. Suggestions?”
Instantly, I got a reply from Molly. “GET OUT!!!” All in caps with three exclamation marks. Instead, I darted into the kitchen and grabbed the head chef, a sous chef, a desert chef and three scullery types. With the words, “Terrorist attack. Get out and get under cover,” I shoved them toward the loading exit, an extra door directly from the kitchen into the delivery alley. Terrorists was a lie, but terrorist was much likely to result in compliance than saying magical attack.
“The burners!” the head chef said, pulling away. 
“I’ll get ‘em.” I yanked his collar and shoved harder to the back, bunching them into a herd and heaving them into the dark. Shutting the door so they’d think twice about coming back in.
I raced over and cut everything that was hot off. Cow! Beast thought. The smells were delish and Beast wanted to taste everything in every pan, especially the half-raw steak. I ignored her and spun back to the restaurant. 
But my way was blocked. By a purple wall of smoke.


Faith Hunter, fantasy writer, was born in Louisiana and raised all over the south. She writes three Urban Fantasy series:  the Skinwalker series, featuring Jane Yellowrock, a Cherokee skinwalker who hunts rogue vampires. The Soulwood series, featuring earth magic user Nell Ingram. And the Rogue Mage novels, a dark, urban, post-apocalyptic, fantasy series featuring Thorn St. Croix, a stone mage. (There is a role playing game based on the series, ROGUE MAGE.)

Under the pen name Gwen Hunter, she writes action-adventure, mysteries, and thrillers. As Faith and Gwen, she has 30+ books in print in 29 countries.

Hunter writes full-time, tries to keep house, and is a workaholic with a passion for travel, jewelry making, white-water kayaking, and writing. She and her husband love to RV, traveling with their rescued Pomeranians to whitewater rivers all over the Southeast.

Find Faith online at, her blog, on TwitterFacebook, and Goodreads; also, and

Tour Wide

1 complete set of the Jane Yellowrock series (all 10 novels!), plus one $100 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card.

US only, no PO Boxes


  1. Must have more.....I have been hooked! This is one helluva date. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading the rest of the story.

  2. Huge fan of the series and either own or have read all of them to date.

  3. Oh My...... This story is getting interesting.... Can't wait for the conclusion. Counting the days to the release of Shadow Rites.... so excited....

  4. Wow, it's getting sooooo interesting! Squeeee!

  5. Wow, it's getting sooooo interesting! Squeeee!

  6. I love this series!!! Thanks for the fun post :)

  7. argh this calendar is too, too slow! I wants it now!

  8. These Yellowrock blog tours are becoming my fav way to wake up with my tea...until the book comes out!

  9. Looking forward to getting some more page time with some secondary characters.

  10. They just cant have a normal triple date can they? Something will always have to happen during it.

  11. The daily teasers are wonderful, and torture! Can't wait for the release, and I love the cover for Nell's book!

  12. The daily teasers are wonderful, and torture! Can't wait for the release, and I love the cover for Nell's book!

  13. Love the Blog, love the short story, never a normal date!!!

  14. Oh, maaaaan. Jane is blocked behind a wall of PURPLE smoke. *huge smile* Now we're talking. *snicker* Eli is puuuurfect. Love that guy !

    Thank you for this !

  15. Wow! I can't believe we're getting this cool short story for free from Faith - and am grateful for bloggers participating in her blog tour putting it up for us! Thank you!
    Pauline E.

  16. Thank you for hosting this blog! I love the short, and can't wait to find out what happens! I love this series, and how everyone works as a team!

  17. Faith Hunter and Jane Yellowrock Re awesome! Can't wait to read Shadow Rites.

  18. Can't wait to read what happens next!

  19. Can't wait to read what happens next!

  20. Makes my it!!

  21. I am loving the short, but I love ALL of Faith's work!

  22. Maybe they ought to refer to them as missons, or adventures, not dates...It would be more accurate?

    1. Oh, and I can't wait for this book! The excerpts are a terrible tease!!!

  23. Already I'm on the edge of my chair awaiting Shadow Rites publication date next week, and now I have to wait another day or more to find out what happens with purple smoke??? Unfair, waaaahhhh.... hahahahahahahaha. Alisha Henri

  24. Hehe, I'm loving this short story. You just knew the date wasn't going to go well.
    Can't wait to read this one.

  25. Love love love Jane and her gang! Can't wait to read the rest of this story :)

  26. Yipeeeeeeeee!! 5 days and counting!!!

  27. This short story is getting to me.

  28. Purple smoke? What a great visual!

  29. Some days you know you just should have stayed home and had oatmeal.

  30. Faith Hunter is the best! And I'm OBSESSED!

  31. Cow! lol Just can't tame the Beast

  32. I enjoy this series, and this sounds like another great one!

  33. I am looking Forward to Tuesday when Shadow Rites comes out. The Short Story has my attention

  34. The short story is very entertaining. I like how Beast thinks of food when there is a bigger problem to deal with.


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