UFI welcomes Allison Pang Author of The Abby Sinclair Series. Thanks for Joining us!!
Trace of Moonlight Excerpt
Ripples in the darkness.
The pit of my stomach dropped to find
myself here again, the waves pinched with a deceptive stillness. A current
stirred by my toes, the brush of something large sending chills through my
legs. I swallowed hard against a rising panic, and the cotton dryness of my mouth
flushed with salt as a whitecap slapped me in the face.
My breathing went shallow, the rise
and fall of my chest echoed in the hammering of my heart. Dimly I reached for
the training Brystion’s sister, Sonja, had started with me, trying to fi nd the
last bit of calm to gather my power around me and consciously control the
Shield . . .

Don’t move . . .
Push. Push. Push.
I got a basic handle on it, finally
opening my eyes to find myself glowing, the edges of my shield a few inches
away from my body. It was enough.
I stifled a scream as the first
shark rolled past me, its tail propelling its massive form with a slow ease. No
rushing in for the kill yet.
The bells in my hair chimed
mockingly. What are you afraid of? You died. What could possibly
frighten you here?
Get over yourself.
The thought splashed over me even
as anger flooded my limbs. It was right.
Was I simply a hapless dreamer?

I was a motherfucking Dreamer.
The power exploded from me in a
heated shimmer, white flame pushing away the darkness, the thick sense of
nothingness enveloping me against the glare. For a moment I caught the slivered
edge of a dorsal fin slicing past me and then it skittered away into the void.
A momentary thrill of victory
swelled my chest as I realized I’d actually managed to thrust my nightmares into
some far distant corner. Not defeated, of course. I wasn’t sure if the darkness
that lingered in my psyche would ever truly be lifted . . . but this was a
What had Sonja told me that one
You limit yourself to your own
sense of physics.
The bells sounded a soft ring of
agreement and I scowled at them, the shield settling into a slightly less obnoxious
“Float,” I commanded, watching as
it became more of a sphere. I shrugged at myself. Glinda the Good Witch it
would have to be. Abruptly, the water around me receded and the bubble
propelled itself upward.
My hands stretched out as though to
lean against the curved walls, but I hesitated, unsure if it would pop should I
touch it.
Which was ridiculous since I was
standing on the thing. I let my fingers slide against the surface of the shield,
a thrum of power racing up my palms to my elbow.
A tingle pulsed in my chest. Home.
The bubble shifted direction,
leaving the cold blackness of the sea behind it. I’d traveled this way

And still. Where had he gone?
Beneath me, the sea faded away. The
sharks did not make another appearance, but I kept a watchful eye anyway. I had
my momentum; I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get it again if I let my defenses
Where was the Heart of my Dreaming?
I peered into the darkness, straining to see the shadow of the old Victorian,
the iron gate around it, but in the end there was nothing but fog. I hesitated,
not wanting to press my luck too far. Sonja had told me I had the power to be a
DreamWalker during our training, and Ion had actually shown me the Dreaming
Hearts of others, but the last thing I wanted was to stumble into someone else’s
Not like this.

I didn’t want to do that again
“A few more minutes and I’ll try to
wake up,” I told myself. Worry niggled at me. Where the hell was my Heart? I’d
always been able to find it before.
The mist began to dissipate as my
brow furrowed and I realized I was standing in the burned-out remains of a
forest. Charred and blackened bark peeled away from a crumpled willow tree, its
leaves nothing more than tattered bits.
I stared at it. I knew this tree.
This was my tree. From my garden behind my . . . house. I stood up with
a jerk, pacing away from the fallen giant. My foot scraped against concrete. I
knelt and the shield faded, taking away most of the light. I’d have been more
concerned about that, but my attention was on the bricks I’d stumbled upon. The
My fingers traced a circle in the
soot. The house at the center of my Dreaming Heart had burned too.
What the hell had happened?
A marine biologist in a former life, Allison Pang
turned to a life of crime to finance her wild spending habits and need to collect
Faberge eggs. A cat thief of notable repute, she spends her days sleeping and
nights scaling walls and wooing dancing boys….Well, at least the marine biology
part is true. But she was taloned by a hawk once. She also loves Hello Kitty, sparkly shoes,
and gorgeous violinists.
She spends her days in Northern Virginia working
as a cube grunt and her nights waiting on her kids and cats, punctuated by the
occasional husbandly serenade. Sometimes she even manages to write. Mostly she
just makes it up as she goes.
Find Allison and her books

Abby Sinclair #3
Drinking from the waters of lethe and offering herself up as Faerie’s sacrificial Tithe . . . these just might be the least of Abby Sinclair’s problems. Abby’s pact with a daemon—whether or not she remembers making it—is binding, so she’d better count herself lucky that (in the words of a daemon who knows better) there’s nearly always a loophole. But her friends’ reckless attempts to free her, well intentioned though they may be, set off a disastrous chain of events. In no time at all, Abby turns her incubus lover mortal, then gets herself killed, cursed, and married to an elven prince whose mother wants her dead. On top of everything else, she’s lost the Key to the CrossRoads to her mortal enemy, who promptly uses his restored power to wreak havoc on the OtherWorld and put its very existence in jeopardy. Only one person can make things right again, but to find her, Abby must place her trust in allies of mixed loyalties, and conquer her nightmares once and for all.
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