What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
I’m the biggest sucker for my pet English bulldog – named Bella Luna. In fact she is even the inspiration for a character in my next book! She is seven and a half. I can’t imagine having a “normal” dog after having her.
What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
I don’t want to be one of those people that says, I don’t have any downtime, but well, it’s harder and harder to come by. Winters in my part of the world (Alberta, Canada) are cold and long. I really enjoy a glass of rum in front of a warm fireplace after an afternoon of snowshoeing. And that happens, like maybe twice a year. But when it does, oh it’s good.
In the summer, I kayak. I make it a priority to get on the river at least once a week. Me and water go hand in hand. Even my bulldog likes it. And she has her own lifejacket!
What is your Favorite part of writing?
When you get in that zone and your characters write the scene for you! It get been terribly frustrating if they change your carefully constructed plot plan, but really that’s part of the magic, isn’t it?
Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
Yes! I must have quiet. An empty house or office. Writing in a cafĂ© is not for me. and my playlist. Music is vital to setting the mood and I create a playlist for each of my books while defining the plot. Of course, I add to the list often. I also make sure to do some form of physical activity every morning before I begin writing. It helps focus and calm my mind. I find I work out a lot of plot holes while I’m running.
What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Genres?
I like Charlaine Harris. I like Patricia Briggs and J.R. Ward. I like Shelley Laurenston. I’m drawn as much to Urban Fantasy as I am to Paranormal Romance. I’m interested in finding new voices as well—I think Annie Nicholas is fun.
How would you pitch FIRE BORN to someone who has not heard of it before?
Fire Born is a paranormal romance novel and is the first in a four-part series, The Guardians. In this book we meet Alex, newbie immortal, and Collum, King of the Dragons and Guardian of the Immortals.
Independent, tough as nails, and fierce to her core, Alex Taleisin can't quite believe it when she has to fight for her life against something not-quite-human in the YMCA parking lot.
That's when her aunt lets her in on the family secret. They're immortal--Elementals to be precise, and Alex is the long-lost daughter of the strongest female warrior of their time.
Her guardian (a freaking Dragon!) and the sexiest man Alex has ever seen gives her a choice. Go with him, learn how to control her fire, and find her father's people, or try to survive on her own. It's an easy choice considering she's only twenty-six. And the Elders may already be on her trail thanks to the fight with the nut job in the parking lot kick-starting her dormant DNA.
Enter an insane grandfather, a shifter with a hidden agenda, and a witch with a shoe addiction, and suddenly loner Alex is wishing for a quiet house in the hills with the dragon she's falling for.
But a fight is coming and Alex knows the only way to find her answers is to trust her powers and become the warrior she was destined to be.
That's when her aunt lets her in on the family secret. They're immortal--Elementals to be precise, and Alex is the long-lost daughter of the strongest female warrior of their time.
Her guardian (a freaking Dragon!) and the sexiest man Alex has ever seen gives her a choice. Go with him, learn how to control her fire, and find her father's people, or try to survive on her own. It's an easy choice considering she's only twenty-six. And the Elders may already be on her trail thanks to the fight with the nut job in the parking lot kick-starting her dormant DNA.
Enter an insane grandfather, a shifter with a hidden agenda, and a witch with a shoe addiction, and suddenly loner Alex is wishing for a quiet house in the hills with the dragon she's falling for.
But a fight is coming and Alex knows the only way to find her answers is to trust her powers and become the warrior she was destined to be.
Can you tell us a little bit about the world that FIRE BORN is set in?
Fire Born is set in our contemporary world. Immortals of all kinds live among us without our knowledge. The Guardians are tasked with keeping the balance and keeping humans oblivious to the immortal creatures living all around them. Magic in plain sight. And no ones the wiser.
Do you have a favorite scene in FIRE BORN?
Probably any scene where Alex is putting Collum in his place. I also love the scene where Alex and Collum meet and she decides to trust him. Another favorite is the scene when they land in England. I think it’s steamy and funny and true to how people would react in that situation.
Which one character out of all your books was your favorite to write about? What about the hardest to write about?
So far, the character Mar (Maria Del Voscova) has flown off the page for me. She really seemed to just appear out of nowhere with a fully fleshed out voice. I love this character. I’ve only written the two books in this series. I’m currently working on book three. I think that Domhall will be the most difficult to continue writing. I’m just scratching the surface of his depth and his story. There is a lot to discover.
What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
Magic Born is coming out in late spring 2018. This one is for all the Mar and Neeren fans (I include myself in that list)!
Air Born follows at the end of 2018.
I’ve also written a novel-in-verse title Stained with the Colours of Sunday Morning. It’s not a paranormal romance. That one comes out in April.
Rayanne Haines is a published poet, romance fiction author, and arts manager.
She writes Paranormal Romance with Kick-Ass Heroines. She believes in magic and legend and all the things we cannot see. Rayanne prefers her alpha males a little gritty and the women who love them, in charge of their own destiny.
Fire Born is the first book of the Guardian Series published by Soul Mate Publishing. Magic Born is available June 2018.
Find Rayanne and her books

The Guardian #1
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When Alex Taleisin’s immortal DNA kicks in after a fight for her life against something not-quite-human in the YMCA parking lot, her Aunt finally lets her in on the family secret. They’re Immortal – Elementals to be precise. Only, Alex is a little something more, and until they discover what, her life is in danger.Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/ynTV7nxjUsc
Collum Thronus, Guardian of the Races and savage King of the Dragons has no choice but to protect Alex and find her father’s people. He made a promise and Collum always keeps his promises. Now, he needs to keep his hands of his charge.
Enter an insane grandfather, a shifter with a hidden agenda, and a witch with a shoe addiction and soon Alex is wishing for a quiet house in the hills with the dragon she’s falling for. But a battle is coming and Alex knows the only way to find her answers is to trust her powers and become the warrior she was destined to be.
Alex refused to break eye contact. Something inside clawed at her flesh—reaching for the man in front of her. Her knees buckled as he pressed his face to her neck. She held his shoulders as he lifted her, sat her on the kitchen counter, and stepped between her thighs. The whole time he kept breathing in like he was trying to absorb her. His hands were brands on her skin. One palm stroked her back, the other found its way into her hair.
She pressed her body against his, trying to take on his heat. Her breasts crushed against his chest, and she whimpered in the back of her throat. Things like this didn't happen to her. She usually dated journalists with very un-dragon like qualities or weekend mountain men with annoyingly trendy facial hair. She did not get ravished by drop dead, slam-dunk, gorgeous alpha males, in her aunt’s kitchen.
After this morning’s revelations, she was ready for a bit of sinning. She nipped at his neck. His grip tightened as he growled low and deep. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Alex realized she was ready to have sex with a stranger on her aunt’s kitchen counter, with said aunt in the other room, perhaps even on her way back to this room. Awareness crashed in with a resounding thud.
He stepped back and shoved his hands through his hair in jerky movements before drawing a ragged breath. “I’m sorry. That shouldn't have happened. You’re at a critical point in your transition, and that makes your heat difficult to ignore . . . It will likely get worse as it grows.” His jaw clenched. “I should have been more prepared.”
Alex blinked, her mind jumped from one thought to the next.
“Did your aunt tell you what’s happening?”
“What?” She shook her head. “What the hell? Aunt Quinn!” she yelled, jumping off the counter to back away. Pulling her housecoat tighter around her neck, she snapped, “Are you kidding me? You can't do that. And I’m not sending out heat, asshole!”
He held up his palms in surrender. “I said I'm sorry. We don't have time for this. There are people who will hurt you if they know you’re still alive. I need to get you somewhere safe.”
A panic attack pushed at the edge of her temple. Confused and turned on, she needed a goddamn coffee. She refused to give control of the situation to him. “So, you're some kind of dragon thing? And I'm supposed to go away with you?”
Collum sighed and gritted his teeth. “Yes, something like that. Your enemies will make a move soon. As soon as they find out you live, they'll come after you, and me for my part in it. We hoped your element wouldn’t surface.”
“I'm expected to believe everything Aunt Quinn said was real. Just like that?”
“Yep.” He blew more smoke at her mouth, his gaze intense. “Just like that.”
She stumbled back. “Wait, do you know who my father was?”
“I don’t. But now that you’re transitioning, we need to find out before the elders do. They tend to dislike things more powerful than them. And if I’ve guessed right, you kid, are about to be far more powerful.”
He pulled at a stray thread on her housecoat, right above an old coffee stain. “You need to put some clothes on.” Collum reached for her hand. “We have to go now.”
Alex yanked her hand back. She knew if she let him touch her they'd be on the floor. She didn't know if she trusted him, but she'd learned over time to trust herself. Aunt Quinn hadn't told her enough, but it was enough to know she wanted to find out more. Now she had to figure out why her parents were killed. If sex dragon guy could keep her alive long enough to do that, then she'd go with him. She took a steadying breath. She didn’t usually feel small around men, but this giant dwarfed her. Instead of being frightened, she wished he’d lean down and cover her mouth with his. He grinned like he knew what she was thinking, took her hand in his larger one, and
rested his other on her hip. Alex almost purred with the echo of his heat. She reached to touch the smoke pouring out the strands of his hair. Quinn walked in before she had a chance.
“Honey I have . . . oh.”
Alex wished she could sink into the blue wall paper, but he simply raised his head and
took one step back. He gave his head a slight nod. “Quinn, I presume.”
She responded the same. “Dragon King.”
“You have her things ready to go?”
All business, she handed the bag to him. “Everything is here; passport, extra clothing, all
her necessities.”
“Good. We won't have time to stop. I won't make contact again for a few days, but I
assure you I’ll let nothing happen to her. I promised Kaylen, and I never break a vow.”
Alex interrupted them. “Um, hello. I'm right here you know. How about you both talk to me, instead of over me? Besides, I haven't agreed to go anywhere yet.”
Collum stiffened, and glared at her.
She stomped her foot. “I’m not a child. I’ll make my own decisions, thank you very much.”
He snorted and turned back to Quinn. “Say your goodbyes. I'll be in the car.”
He strolled out of the kitchen like it was any other day of the week—not like her life had been ripped to pieces.
Quinn dropped the bags at her feet and rushed toward her. “I told you he was impatient. You really have no choice, my darling. I swear on my life that we’re telling you the truth. This must happen. You’ll be safe—he can control your fire.”
Quinn handed her a yellow tank top and a pair of sweats. “Now put these on. You can't run for freedom in a Hudson's Bay housecoat. It's undignified.”
“But I haven’t said yes yet. It’s—”
“No, Alex, stop.” Quinn hugged her. “I love you with all my heart. But you have no say in this. You must go now.”
Alex held on to her aunt as tight as she could for a final minute, then stepped away. “I love you too, Quinn.”
Five minutes later they walked out to Collum's vehicle. After a final kiss to her aunt, Alex climbed in the vehicle and looked at her would be savior. “Okay, Dragon Boy. Let's go find out who Daddy is.”
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