UFI welcomes Ishabelle Torry Author of Copper Girl. Thanks for Joining us!!
This or That
Myself: Ishabelle Torry
Angels or Demons: Both. You cannot have one without the other.
Vampires or Shifters: Shifter, because Vampires are stuck to one form really, whereas shifters can make for extra interesting…positions. Also, shifters can be badass lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!
Left or Right: Right, since I am right handed, everything to the right is easier.
Up or Down: *grins* Depends on the circumstance.
Pizza or Pasta: Pizza! Extra cheese and thick crust.
Coffee or Tea: Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening.
Coke or Pepsi: Gross—Diet Sunkist
YA or Adult: Adult first, and then YA.
Knives or Guns: Knives. Someone has to get stabbed in every story…JK…Kind of.
Reading or Writing: Reader first, writing second.
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook—Hashtags scare me.
Ishabelle Torry is a full time mother, wife and student. She enjoys time with her family, and their plethora of pets on the farm. In her spare time, she is constantly dreaming of characters and the worlds they are found in. Occasionally, Ishabelle has been known to argue with her characters and bribe them with cookies when they have a wayward moment.
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When Lucy received the locket from the estate of her aunt, it came with a warning to never speak his name...but where's the fun in that?
Trapped for seventeen hundred years, General Hadrian Marias awaits his release from a crystal prison and a chance to find the reincarnated soul of his wife, Lucia. Instead, upon being summoned into the modern world, he finds Lucy—the descendant of Genevieve, the Celtic witch responsible for his entrapment. Everything he knows about Lucy stems from his experience with Genevieve, but he soon discovers the only thing Lucy shares with her ancient ancestor is an uncanny resemblance. He quickly finds himself drawn to the feisty vixen. But can he ever forgive himself for losing Lucia of the past, and move forward with Lucy?
Lucy Brady was devastated to receive word of her aunt's death. Her only joy, a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. Inside the golden locket hides a crystal containing the essence of Hadrian. Even though warned to never say his name, she chalks it up to superstition and inadvertently summons an ancient Roman general who demands his freedom from her tyrannical bloodline. Deeming the general's appearance a prank, Lucy agrees to grant his freedom—in lieu of sex for a fortnight. Will the next fortnight of passion be enough to keep Hadrian at Lucy's side? Or will he choose absolute freedom from her bloodline?
Hadrian was infatuated by the witch's sudden change. Her demeanor had gone from a scared rabbit to a cunning wolf as she slowly advanced in his direction. She looked ready to pounce.
Damn the gods.
He shook his head in frustration, swearing at his lack-wit brain. He assumed the dark woman with the strange clothing and heavy face paint had been Genevieve's kin, but instead the innocent angel before him was the vile sorceress's descendant. How could he have missed it? She even had the same violet pigment as Genevieve. He now knew for certain this pale beauty was his newest captor. "Release me."
"You never answered me," she purred prettily, taking slow deliberate steps toward him and emphasizing the sway of her hips.
Hadrian grunted. The witch recognized her powers already. She was another generation warned in advance; already knowing he couldn't harm her physically as long as she controlled him.
Damn her smugness! He took a step back with each forward step she took. "Stay back, witch."
He didn't mean it. He felt himself harden with her approach. He hated her. Nay, he didn't, but he should. Something about her perplexed him. She has her ancestor's looks. Genevieve. His last step back was blocked by the loveseat. He thought to sidestep the smiling vixen, but a squared table blocked his path.
Curse her and her second sight! She has me purposely trapped!
The witch appeared to enjoy his uneasiness as she played cat and mouse. She obviously delighted in being the predator, moving in just the right way to keep him cornered. Her siren voice with its otherworldly quality beckoned him as she spoke. Aye, she was just as much the devil's mistress as Genevieve.
"I ask you one more time, Hadrian Marias: Why should I release you?"
His pulse pounded in his ears. "It would be the honorable thing to do, milady. Seeing your family has held me prisoner for almost two millennia."
"I see." She dared to wink. "What's in it for me?"
His paranoia threatened his temper. He felt the sudden need to hide from this enchantress. He would not make the same mistake again and trust a witch. No matter how beautiful she was or innocent she appeared, she was evil. Genevieve's blood ran through her veins. "What do you want?" He finally managed to ask, hoping she didn't hear the apprehension in his tone.
She threw her sultry head back and her laughter floated on the air and teased his defenses.
Devil's Mistress...
She smirked. "In fourteen days, I will release you, but only if you become my sex slave and guarantee my satisfaction."
Hadrian was infatuated by the witch's sudden change. Her demeanor had gone from a scared rabbit to a cunning wolf as she slowly advanced in his direction. She looked ready to pounce.
Damn the gods.
He shook his head in frustration, swearing at his lack-wit brain. He assumed the dark woman with the strange clothing and heavy face paint had been Genevieve's kin, but instead the innocent angel before him was the vile sorceress's descendant. How could he have missed it? She even had the same violet pigment as Genevieve. He now knew for certain this pale beauty was his newest captor. "Release me."
"You never answered me," she purred prettily, taking slow deliberate steps toward him and emphasizing the sway of her hips.
Hadrian grunted. The witch recognized her powers already. She was another generation warned in advance; already knowing he couldn't harm her physically as long as she controlled him.
Damn her smugness! He took a step back with each forward step she took. "Stay back, witch."
He didn't mean it. He felt himself harden with her approach. He hated her. Nay, he didn't, but he should. Something about her perplexed him. She has her ancestor's looks. Genevieve. His last step back was blocked by the loveseat. He thought to sidestep the smiling vixen, but a squared table blocked his path.
Curse her and her second sight! She has me purposely trapped!
The witch appeared to enjoy his uneasiness as she played cat and mouse. She obviously delighted in being the predator, moving in just the right way to keep him cornered. Her siren voice with its otherworldly quality beckoned him as she spoke. Aye, she was just as much the devil's mistress as Genevieve.
"I ask you one more time, Hadrian Marias: Why should I release you?"
His pulse pounded in his ears. "It would be the honorable thing to do, milady. Seeing your family has held me prisoner for almost two millennia."
"I see." She dared to wink. "What's in it for me?"
His paranoia threatened his temper. He felt the sudden need to hide from this enchantress. He would not make the same mistake again and trust a witch. No matter how beautiful she was or innocent she appeared, she was evil. Genevieve's blood ran through her veins. "What do you want?" He finally managed to ask, hoping she didn't hear the apprehension in his tone.
She threw her sultry head back and her laughter floated on the air and teased his defenses.
Devil's Mistress...
She smirked. "In fourteen days, I will release you, but only if you become my sex slave and guarantee my satisfaction."