UFI welcomes Zoraida Córdova Author of The Vicious Deep Series. Thanks for Joining us!!
1.) What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
often very silly, love staying home and watching movies like PITCH
PERFECT and THE HANGOVER I & II, and I love hot wings. For more, I
have this vlog: http://youtu.be/ MVDDZobIwWg
2.) What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
I don't have much downtime, but when I do I catch up with my drawings/sleep/gym.
3.) What is your Favorite part of writing?
Creating new worlds.
4.) Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
don't. Every writing day is different. Sometimes I write in the day and
drink coffee. Sometimes I write at night and have wine. Sometimes
there's music. Sometimes I sit in Central Park.
5.) What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Genres?
Holly Black, Libba Bray, Charles DeLint, Amelia Atwater Rhodes, Sarah Beth Durst.
6.) What can you tell me about the world that The Vicious Deep Series is set in?
The Vicious Deep is set in Coney Island. http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=TcE__mvXFmo
It's a place that really symbolizes "the other" in society and welcomes oddities. Like mermaids.
Then there's the world of the sea court. Toliss Island is my version of
Avalon for mermaids. I like the idea of a traveling sea court, much like
a traveling circus. Then there are other locations like the Vanishing
Cove in book 2, which represents a borderland of sorts where the magical
community has exiled themselves as humans grew in numbers over the
7.) Do you have a favorite scene in The Savage Blue?
loved writing about the oracles. They're such fluid and powerful
women/beings. You see different versions of them, from the lonely to the
power hungry.
8.) Which character was your favorite to write about? What about the hardest to write about?
Favorite is definitely Tristan Hart. Writing from an emotionally turbulent teenage boy is fun.
The hardest is Kurt. Only because sometimes I find myself liking him too much, and in book 3, that would be trouble.
9.) What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
I'm happy to say Sourcebooks Fire has bought book 3. The working title is THE VAST & BRUTAL SEA.
After that I'm going to try writing from a girl's POV. She is death and she is magic.
Find Zoraida and her books

The Vicious Deep #2
A storm is coming...
The ocean is a vicious place. Deeper and darker than Tristan could have imagined. Beneath its calm blue surface, an ancient battle is churning —and no one is safe.
In the quest for the Sea Throne, Tristan has already watched one good friend die. Now he must lead the rest on a dangerous voyage in search of the trident that will make him king. But while Tristan chases his destiny, the dark forces racing against him are getting stronger, and the sea witch of his nightmares is getting closer.
Battling sea dragons and savage creatures of the deep, Tristan needs his friends' support. But they each have their secrets, and a betrayal will force Tristan to choose between his crown and his best friend Layla — the only girl he's ever loved.