UFI welcomes Holly Hunt Author of Blood Moon. Thanks for Joining us!!
((Base 2669. Recording #34259. Squadron 2.
Location: Washington DC, USA.))
((Silence rings out for five seconds. High
pitched squealing.))
This is Holly Hunt. I've taken over the
recordings from Olivia, until such time as she can stick to the script. Don't
bother sticking your finger up at me, girl, it isn't going to help you.
((Door bangs shut in background.))
For those of you playing along at home, I'm
here to talk to you all about what inspired the scribbling down of this story
originally. For those of you who stumbled upon this and don't understand what's
going on, head over to Amazon.com
and nab yourself an e-copy of the book. Read it (shouldn't take more than an
hour, if you're not a flit-about like me), then join me. You can follow the
progress of the blog tour by heading over to my website
over here
over here
Okay, enough of the plugging. Time to get
down to business.
was the inspiration behind Blood Moon?
Blood Moon was written in 2010, in response
to a situation I had with a publisher. After picking up an acceptance for The Devil's Wife, my debut book, the
company went under, and I was understandably mad. It was the first yes I'd ever
received, and to have it snatched away by circumstances had me plotting my
revenge. The company was based in Canada, around the area that the Ontario Wolf
first appears.
did you lay it out like that? Why so many newspaper clips between chapters?
I've had people on both sides of the
argument for this. Some people, after reading it, are like, 'Yeah, they give a
greater view of what's happening in the world around the wolves! They're
awesome!', while others are like, 'Seriously? I mean, seriously? You could have
gotten away with just one or two, you didn't have to fill the book up with
them. They're useless!'. So, it depends on what camp you're in, how well you
view them.
Me, I like them. I'm in the camp of
'They're awesome!'. I haven't read many apocalyptic stories that give you the
birds-eye view of what's going on – you see it through the eyes of the main
character, and that's fine. But sometimes you wonder what's going on in the
rest of the world. I decided to make that happen.
most important question: When will the sequel be released?
At this stage, there is no sequel. I know
those of you who've read it are dying to know what happens next, but there's no
sequel on the cards (yet). It's up to you to figure out who wins the war (if
you want to rant about it, and win prizes, go to my website from March 27 and
leave me your feedback on the form – then you get the best of both worlds!).
I look forward to dodging much rotten fruit
and cursing in my next stop-over. But, for now, the next of my articles will be
about Angela and Charlie, and the roles they play in the story – and just why
no one seems to bat an eye about Wilhelm having a mistress.
((Silence for five seconds. Radio cuts
An author living in Canberra, Australia, Holly Hunt writes a collection of works including Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror and Romance. Currently undergoing an apprenticeship in Butchery, Holly spends her days off writing and watching superhero cartoons.
Holly lives with her partner, Matthew, in a two-bedroom unit crammed with comics and movie memorabilia. She dreams of one day owning a big garden, three dogs and a cat, and can’t wait until that day gets here.
Find Holly and her books

Upon a dark and blood-filled hour, humanity's doom will rise to power.
Werewolves are real. They haunt the woods of North America, feeding on the bodies of humans stupid enough to blunder across their paths. Once rogue and uncoordinated, the rise of their goddess Alsvinth has brought them all together, with one goal: destroy as much of the species as necessary to enslave them within meat farms, to feed the werewolf army taking over the world.
Olivia, a werewolf from western Canada, and her brother Charlie set out to kill the goddess and save humanity.
But can the werewolf and human destroy the goddess's power, or will she prevail and turn the planet into a wasteland?