What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
I’ve had several interesting jobs during high school, and on my summer breaks from college, but one of my favorites was working as a retouch artist for a photography studio. (I can do dangerous things with Photoshop.) After college, I worked in one of the most beautiful libraries in the country for over fifteen years before retiring to write full time. (If you couldn’t tell, I’m a bit biased toward my library.) I was just asked to fill in this month for a few vacations and I couldn’t resist. The library is in the midst of a massive reconstruction, but it still feels like home.
What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
There really must be something to the left-brain right-brain theory, because math annoys me, but I’m drawn to anything crafty and artistic. Besides writing, I’m also a painter and gardener. For more pictures than you ever wanted to see of my garden, you can visit my Photo Gallery.
What is your Favorite part of writing?
I love writing about the emotional connections between characters, and when they finally get together despite the odds working against them. I’ve been told this is strange, but I also enjoy the editing process, when I get to read the whole story from beginning to end, and strengthen the scenes.
Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
Give me a quiet room and a pot of coffee and I’m good to go.
What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Genres?
Did I mention I worked in a library? I can spend hours talking about books. ☺ I love them all! In the paranormal genre, a few favorites that come to mind are the Black Dagger Brotherhood by Ward, Psy-Changling by Singh, Dark Hunter by Kenyon, and Mercy Thompson by Briggs. Also, Sarah Addison Allen novels are wonderful, a mixture of romance, magical realism, and contemporary fiction. I recommend you start with Garden Spells.
How would you pitch the Celtic Wolves Series to someone who has not heard of it before?
Imagine a place where warriors are also wolves and reality isn’t always what it seems. Set in modern day, the stories are a mixture of both urban fantasy and romance. Written for adults, each installment has strong fantasy elements built around Celtic folklore, with a secondary romance between two new characters.
I like to pair strong female leads with equally strong alpha males. It creates a wonderful dynamic because it forces each protagonist to make concessions in order for their relationship to work.
Can you tell us a little bit about the world that the Celtic Wolves Series is set in?
My characters are influenced by the instincts of their inner animals, so I’ve scattered tribes across the globe in isolated areas conducive to the habitats of wolves. This felt like a believable progression to me. I prefer to write about places I know; therefore Celtic Moon is set in my home state of Maine. The town is fictitious, but the setting is very real and just as majestic. We have a beautiful mountain region here in Maine, with isolated towns where an ancient race of immortal shifters could easily hide for centuries.
The following two photographs are of Katahdin, the setting of the series. The first photo is taken from the base of the mountain, and the second is taken from the top, looking down. Guess which one I took, and which one was taken by my son? For perspective, look in the bottom right corner and you’ll see a hiker.
Do you have a favorite scene in Autumn Moon?
I’ve changed the excerpt of Autumn Moon on my website three times now because I have too many favorites. Writing an inexperienced alpha male was a fun challenge. The scene where Elen learns that Cormack has never been kissed is posted at http://jandelima.com/autumn-moon/
Which one character out of all your books was your favorite to write about? What about the hardest to write about?
I adore Luc, the hero of Summer Moon. I wrote more loves scenes than I had originally intended because of him. Of all my heroes, Cormack’s journey is my favorite. Having been trapped in wolf form for centuries, his human half is freed in Celtic Moon. He learns to be human in Summer Moon, and in Autumn Moon he finally gets his chance to be with the woman he loves. The emotional connection between Cormack and Elen was magical to write.
The death scenes are always the hardest for me, but they are necessary to support the danger the characters are facing. There needs to be consequences, or the danger isn’t real.
What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
As a secondary project, I’m considering writing a romantic suspense that has been calling to me for some time now. The heroine is very real and the hero may be my sexiest yet.
Jan DeLima is the author of the Celtic Wolves novels, including Summer Moon and Celtic Moon. She lives in Maine with her husband and their two sons. Unlike many authors, Jan didn’t pen stories at an early age, but she has always been a dedicated reader. She loves stories and storytelling. It wasn’t until after her children entered school that she began writing. Raised in a military family, she lived in different countries such as Thailand and Germany, but home base has always been Maine.
Find Jan and her books

Celtic Wolves #1
Amazon BN
Like father, like son…Excerpt
Sophie Thibodeau has been on the run from the father of her son for more than fifteen years. Now her son, Joshua, is changing, and her greatest fears are about to be realized. He’s going to end up being just like his father—a man who can change into a wolf.
Dylan Black has been hunting for Sophie since the night she ran from him—an obsession he cannot afford in the midst of an impending war. Dylan controls Rhuddin Village, an isolated town in Maine where he lives with an ancient Celtic tribe. One of the few of his clan who can still shift into a wolf, he must protect his people from the Guardians, vicious warriors who seek to destroy them.
When Sophie and Dylan come together for the sake of their son, their reunion reignites the fierce passion they once shared. For the first time in years, Dylan’s lost family is within his grasp. But will he lose them all over again? Are Joshua and Sophie strong enough to fight alongside Dylan in battle? Nothing less than the fate of his tribe depends on it…
“I’m going for a run,” Dylan said dryly, taking off toward the woods. His people had wronged Sophie. He was convinced of that now. And still she had come home to him, of her own free will—for their son.
His wolf clawed at his spine for release. Its fury, its need—its desire for the woman who’d had the courage to return for their child was no longer controllable.
The wolf wanted out.
Having her near and within reach was akin to pain.
Perhaps it was a good thing Sophie hadn’t invited him to stay, Dylan thought as he entered the forest, ripping off clothes as he walked. For if she had, he wasn’t sure if he could have controlled his hunger.
It had been too long.

Celtic Wolves #2
Amazon BN
She won’t be ruled again……Excerpt:
Rosa Alban has been obedient her entire life. But when her alpha husband dies, she seizes the opportunity to flee the oppressive Guardians—the rulers of the secret shapeshifter world. Her flight instantly brands her as a pack traitor, and she has no choice but to seek protection from a neighboring tribe by marrying one of their sons.
Known as the Beast of Merin, Luc Black loyally plays the part of unwanted son and devoted brother. He realizes marrying Rosa will strengthen his tribe’s territory, but he has no intention of loving ever again. Still, he’s unprepared for the intense physical need the wild she-wolf awakens in him.
When the Guardians hone in on Rosa, Luc must fight to protect his new bride. And as war descends, the unlikely allies discover their destinies are irrevocably entwined……
Luc wrapped the knitted blanket around Rosa and draped it like a shawl. Fisting his hands around the corners, he pulled her forward, like a fish caught in a weir. Before she could guess his intent, she found herself on his lap, cocooned in heat and hot male skin, with her legs dangled over his knees.
“Now, is this so bad?” he taunted while tucking her head under his chin.
“I suppose not.” Pondering where to place her hands, she ended up curling them in her lap, while her shoulder rested in the crook between his arm and chest.
In truth, it was hypnotic setting on him like this—dangerously so, like the hush before a storm. The rise and fall of his torso as he breathed lulled like a male siren, along with the weight of his arms and the lure of his skin against her cheek. The most exquisite scent of forest and man wove around her senses. More tempting, underneath it all lay the hint of musk, of potent wolf waiting in the shadows to protect her if the human failed.
All her tension ebbed like a babe in caring arms. Away from Guardians and wrapped in strength; she’d not felt this safe since childhood. How sad that she’d found peace with a virtual stranger. And how easily she could become addicted.
Oh, yes . . . this was dangerous. “How long do we have to stay like this?”
“Shhhh . . .” His throat moved as he swallowed while his hands trailed up her thighs and under her sweater, but only to knead the muscles of her lower back.
As if she weren’t becoming a puddle of goo already.
Before long, her eyes grew heavy, drifted closed. Had he been waiting for this moment of surrender, she wondered drowsily, when her guard had dissolved enough to welcome his gentle game? And did she care? For this was far more pleasant than any others she’d been forced to play.
He shifted to the side and moved his shoulder, leaned a bit, and her head rolled back, only to be caught by the soft pressure of his mouth on hers. So tender she didn’t even open her eyes. Were a man’s lips supposed to be this soft? Like with other carnal acts, she had little experience with kissing, sadly enough.
Having known only violence or indifference, her perceptions reeled. Indeed, if this was passion, then she didn’t know how to respond. But she was curious enough to try. She would admit that to herself, and even to him if he asked . . . She was so hungry to know what others whispered about in giggly tones. How many stories had she heard, from Tesni and others, of their forbidden trysts and naughty secrets, only to feel like a bystander to their private joy?
“Open your mouth, Rosa.” The order came on a husky whisper against her lips.
Summer Moon’s first chapter:

Celtic Wolves #3
Amazon BN
The heart of a warrior, the soul of a wolf, and the desires of a man…Excerpt:
For centuries, Cormack has lived between worlds—a man trapped in the body of a wolf, shunned by humans and shifters alike. Only one person has ever welcomed his company: Elen, a kindred outcast who is feared by others of her ancient Celtic race for her strange healing abilities.
Cormack has always valued Elen’s kindness and understanding, but after a desperate act of friendship causes Elen to free him from his curse, he realizes he wants more. He wants all of her—completely and forever.Except before Cormack can win Elen’s heart, Pendaran, the evil leader of the Guardians, captures her, determined to manipulate her incredible power to aid him in his twisted war against the shapeshifting tribes.
Now Cormack must use all of his skills as a warrior and a wolf to save the woman he loves—before Pendaran’s vile schemes destroy them all…
Too wired to sleep, Elen opened the wine and poured a glass, sipping quietly as she walked over to the bed. Cormack slept above the coverlet and on his back, with one arm raised over his head, while the other rested by his side. His hair was still damp from his shower, and he wore jeans but no shirt, as if he’d just rested his head and sleep claimed him first.
His chest rose and fell with even breaths. She was not one to marvel over physical attributes, but this was Cormack, and his body was meant for pleasure, like a goddess had molded him for her personal divine gratification. His frame was large, and toned, with wide shoulders and a firm chest that tapered down to his hips. His hardened stomach would provide the perfect friction were she to ride him just like this.
And as that image flooded her mind, another, more wicked one, followed. It was greedy, and selfish, but all her niceness had been used up for the day. He looked peaceful, and innocent, but the man was practically immortal after all. Their kind did not die from lack of sleep. They might go mad, of course, but that took a few weeks. And had he not said, do with me as you will?
She needed to touch him. That was all. Well, no, she wanted more, but for now that would do. Taking a sip of her wine, she gently set the glass on an end table by the bed, and gave into temptation. Starting by his heart, she brushed lightly across his chest, tracing down the indent between, and lingering on the valleys and curves of his muscles. Flattening her hand over his stomach, she felt the soft hair that began just above the waistband of his jeans and disappeared below. She had never seen him in this restful state, at least not in his human form, and took in her ravenous fill.
Her hand lingered over the button of his jeans. She swallowed, wanting… Oh, how she wanted. It burned like molten earth, fed by a need that had been denied for too long. Even now she felt her body moisten and swell just from imagining what waited beyond that closure, and how it would feel inside her.
Or how it would taste.
She thumbed the button. A quick flick was all it would take.
A sound made her jolt, an intake of breath perhaps, followed by a sudden rise under her hands. She snapped her eyes to his face.
Cormack was awake.
And watching her.
A fire raged within his cerulean gaze. “Kill me now if you stop, Elen, because then I’ll know I’m well and truly cursed and I cannot be tortured anymore.”
Prequel for Autumn Moon:
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