Books Received for Review
Fall of Heroes by Jennifer Harlow
Spiral of Need by Suzanne Wright
Books I've Read
The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine
Burning Glass by Kathryn Purdie
Blood Magic by Jennifer Lyon
Reviews Posted
Shadows at Midnight by Amanda Bonilla
Dance with the Devil by Angela Dennis
* New Releases for the week. Was there anything you were looking forward to reading?
* Monday- Guest Blog + Giveaway for Awakened by Sennah Tate
* Tuesday- Interview for Dance with the Devil by Angela Dennis
* Wednesday- Promo + Giveaway for A Fistful of Fire by Rebecca Chastain
* Thursday- Guest Blog + Giveaway for Alpha Unleashed by Aileen Erin
* Saturday- Promo for Menagerie by Rachel Vincent; Promo for Blade Dance by D.L. McDermott
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* I love comments so if you see something you like (or not) please comment away and let me know.