UFI welcomes Jessica McQuay Author of Black Moon. Thanks for Joining us!!
Top Five Sexiest
Paranormal Characters
Hello everyone! First I’d like to thank Urban Fantasy
Investigations for hosting me. I truly appreciate it.
One of my favorite aspects to reading is finding hot, steamy
characters to lust after. LOL! So today I decided to share with all of you my
top 5 Sexiest Paranormal Characters!
#5: Alcide from the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine
#4: Zane from I Kissed a Dog by Carol Van Atta
#3: Asher from the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton
#2: Ivy from the Hollows series by Kim Harrison
#1: Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine
Not all of these characters are your typical, get you hot
and bothered types. But for me, it’s about the all-around package. Sometimes
it’s a mix of personality and sexuality that makes a character attractive to
me. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes they’re just hot! LOL! But for the most part
a character becomes sexier the more alive they become on the pages. As their
story and personality unfold, I fall harder and harder until I am practically
fanning myself when the steamy scenes those lucky someone’s get to have with
them finally arrive.
Thank you for stopping by to read my post today! And thank
you again to Urban Fantasy investigations for hosting me.
There were three things Jessica loved to do growing up; reading, writing
and playing music. She discovered her love for writing at a young age,
when she realized she could create anything she wanted with words.
Jessica lives in Sacramento, CA with her husband, four children, a
goldfish named Sparkle and their cat, Talula. When she isn't working on
the next Paige Tailor novel, taking her children to one activity or
another, or folding the never ending laundry of a six person family,
Jessica enjoys playing her clarinet in the community band, reading while
enjoying a cup of coffee or heading to the theater and catching a movie
with her husband.

Paige Taylor #1
"Am I losing my mind?"
Paige couldn't help but question her sanity. What other explanation could there be for her hearing a conversation held barely above a whisper in the back of a classroom full of students? What about coming home to find one of those very classmates lying in wait in the darkness of her home, ready to attack her?
Confused, frustrated and feeling every ounce of her social ostracism, Paige confides in the one person she's always been able to count on: her mom. But when her mom reveals a deeply rooted, unbelievable family secret, Paige discovers her world is filled with more than she ever imagined possible. A world where fairytales live alongside nightmares and secrets are the glue that binds them together. Suddenly no one is who they seem and Paige is faced with more questions than answers. Can she survive in a world filled with creatures scarier than anything she could imagine and where deceit runs as thick as blood? Or will the truth send her over the edge?
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