I really hate to give up on books so it isn't often
that I mark a book as Did Not Finish (aka DNF). I only marked 3 books as
DNF in 2017 and here is why.
by Kim Stanley Robinson
Marked DNF about 3 chapters in, I just couldn't connect with the story. The dialogue did not flow well and I just couldn't get into the characters. I was just plain old bored out of my mind and didn't see any reason to continue being bored.
by Catherine Vale
The cover drew me in, but I didn't make it far into the book before I gave up. Things happened a bit too fast and I didn't 'feel' anything the characters were supposed to be giving out. I didn't care for the way the main character talked which made me not like her very much. If you don't like the main character what is the point of continuing to read? I think I made it through 4 chapters.
by Malory McCartney
I marked this DNF after about 6 chapters. I didn’t understand the world, the characters are kinda just thrown around with no real explanation of who they are and the storyline had yet to really kick in. I just needed more than what it gave to keep my attention.
Have you read any of my DNF marked books? Did you mark any books as DNF in 2017??