UFI welcomes Jillian Stone Author of The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter. Thanks for Joining us!!
There is something about Paris in
the fall that brings out the devil in Dr. Exeter...
...and the beast in mild-mannered Mia, whose animal urges
transform her into a gorgeous panther at the most inconvenient times. While
there is no cure for her condition, there are techniques to alleviate the
physical urges and inappropriate behavior. Much to Exeter's distress, it is up
to him to help Mia through this difficult time of transition.
The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter, is the third novel in the
Phaeton Black, Paranormal Investigator series. readers who have enjoyed books
one and two are well aware that The Moonstone and Miss Jones ends on a
cliffhanger––Phaeton lost in an alternate universe known as the Outremer.
In book three, physical reality continues to unravel on both
sides of the cosmic rift, and it is up to the good doctor to extract
Phaeton Black from the clutches of a diabolical techno-wizard—or both he and
Phaeton could lose the women they love to love…forever. To accomplish Phaeton's
release the doctor must let loose forces he has long kept under control,
including his attraction to Mia. Get ready for a moody tale of forbidden
passion, romance and daring adventure!
“An arousing erotic romance wearing
a skimpy steampunk dress…tension-filled
sex scenes in a variety of unusual locations
will satisfy readers who like to
dog-ear the pages.”
–Publishers Weekly
Click for a free chapter one, pdf
download: The Miss
Education of Dr. Exeter.
Jillian Stone
is the author of The Phaeton Black, Paranormal Investigator series, which
includes The Seduction of Phaeton Black, The Moonstone and Miss Jones
and the just released, The Miss Education of Doctor Exeter. Jillian
is also the author of The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series. She is thrilled
that two of the novels, An Affair with Mr. Kennedy, and A Dangerous Liaison
with Detective Lewis, are both 2013 Daphne du Maurier finalists!
You’ve been quoted as saying that the Phaeton Black books are an
acquired taste. What do you mean by that?
Jillian: From
the day The Seduction of Phaeton Black released I could tell these books were
either going to be maligned or praised. Phaeton is a dark, Byronic hero and if
readers do not recognize a kindred spirit in Phaeton, then all his humor and
charm are lost on them. Romance readers are often looking for a champion––a
super hero nice guy. The funny thing is, Phaeton is all of those wonderful
things and more, it's just that those traits aren't so obvious––he makes you
reach a little to find the hero in him. These books are not romance in the
traditional sense, they are immorality plays with a conscience,
or wickedly sensual adult fantasies. Even I'm not sure what to call them.
Are all the Phaeton Black books as sensual as Dr Exeter?
Jillian: RT
lists all the books as scorchers, while other reviews/readers refer to them as
erotic romance. All three novels have a number of steamy love scenes, but
I have to say that there is an abundance of forbidden erotic tension in The
Miss Education of Dr. Exeter.
This is a tricky love story between Exeter and Mia. What were
some of the pitfalls?
Jillian: Well,
the fact that Mia has been his ward since she was a child, makes the love story
difficult, but it also gives it tension and a darker edge. Mia has grown into a
beautiful young woman who is very much attracted to her guardian, Dr. Exeter.
She's loved him since she was a child, but her feelings have shifted in
disturbing new ways. As the book opens, Mia struggles with her inner wild cat,
as well as her adult feelings for Exeter––is it that cat or Mia or both?
And what about Exeter? How does he deal with Mia?
Not very well, at first. He is torn between his duties as her guardian, his
desire to help her gain control over the panther, and his growing physical
attraction to her.
At least half the book takes place in Paris, France––what kinds
of adventures do Dr. Exeter, Mia and the Nightshades encounter there?
There are two parallel worlds in the novels, one circa 1890 and the other is
closer to 2013. In The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter, they find out that Paris,
has two dimensions as well. I really enjoyed researching the Paris catacombs,
the miles of underground quarry and the nightclubs, bistros and couturiers of
1890 Paris! There is also an authentic 1890 fetish party at the climax––but I
can say no more!
What about this techno wizard, Prospero? Where does he fit into
the picture? Jillian: Prospero
is one of my best antagonists yet. And I hope to do a good deal more with him
in future novels. He's the tortured messiah of great inter-dimensional empire,
but I can't reveal much more than that at the moment. He is going to put
readers through a number of changes in the next three books––for awhile readers
are not going to know if he's a good guy, a bad guy or just plain mad.
For me, the joy of writing has to do with spinning a tale that
reaches into the mythology of the culture. One that strives to be both
mesmerizing and enthralling. I don't want readers to be able to guess the
ending or know everything there is to know about a character. Maybe I just love
surprises, which translates into surprising readers!
Do Exeter and Mia find a way to work it out?
Is there is a happily ever after? I'm not telling! For those of you who
hated the cliffhanger in book two, I will say that there is a satisfying
ending––though as in all the books, there are hints of more to come.
Jillian has a question for
commenters: Do you have a favorite shift
creature? Name a shifter by species or by name: Vampire, Edward Cullen, demon,
werewolf, Jacob Black, panther, dragon?

In 2010, Jillian won the RWA
Golden Heart for An Affair with Mr.
Kennedy and went from no agent or publisher to signing with Richard
Curtis and being offered a three book contract by Pocket Books. That summer,
she also won the erotica category of the 2010 Romance Through the Ages contest
for The Seduction of Phaeton Black
and was offered a three book contract by Kensington Brava. Needless to say, she
has been busy writing books this past year and a half! Jillian lives in
Southern California.

Paranormal Investigator #3
Plunge deeper into the curious world of the deadly Nightshades.
The Moonstone is having a destabilizing effect on the time/space membrane leaving Phaeton trapped in a parallel mirror world where everything is opposite or upside down, yet oddly the same. He is held captive by Domina Valour and tested sorely in this darkly sensual third episode of the Phaeton Black series.
Gaspar Sinclair can't go after Phaeton. His physical body is unraveling before everyone's eyes. America Jones is large with child, but only she has the preternatural ability to locate Phaeton and bring him back. And Doctor Exeter's beautiful charge, Mia, has her claws in him. Quite literally.
To accomplish Phaeton's rescue, the doctor must let loose forces he hasn't the foggiest clue how to control, including his attraction to Mia.
While in the dimension of magnetic opposites, the doctor and Miss Jones attempt to reverse polarity to retrieve Phaeton and stop Gaspar from unraveling. Can America and Phaeton find a way to return together, or will this final test rip them apart forever?
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