What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
I’m a super fan of All-Things Disney. I never got to experience Disneyworld or Disneyland as a kid growing up so now as an adult, I’ve been to DL 3 times and DW 4 times. My next trip is already planned for Fall 2017.
What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
What down time? Besides writing, I do have a full-time day job. I do all my writing stuff at night and on the weekends; when I’m not peddling my books at gigs. But when I do get a few moments or longer, I do read a lot of Indie Books and travel to see new places.
What is your Favorite part of writing?
Meeting the super fans!
Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
Nope, not at all. I just fly by the seat of my pants. When inspiration hits, I must write it down otherwise it’ll bug me until it’s on the paper.
What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Genres?
Mortal Instruments (Yes, I watch it on TV, too), certain books in the series Fallen, The Vampire Diaries (yes, I watched this too until Nina left the show; just wasn’t the same), Vampire Academy (I did see the movie and it was better than I expected), and yes … I’m going to say it because it did start with reading this book: Twilight.
How would you pitch SWORDS & STILETTOS to someone who has not heard of it before?
A 17-year-old high schooler has to save the world from Armageddon with the help from an Angel, a Nephilim, a Fairy and a Werewolf.
Can you tell us a little bit about the world that SWORDS & STILETTOS is set in?
The whole first book takes place in one week’s time mostly in a small town (St. Joseph, MN) just north of the Twin Cities.
Do you have a favorite scene in SWORDS & STILETTOS?
My favorite scene is when Zoe, the main character, goes on her first date with Shay (the Nephilim). He takes her to an open field, have a dessert picnic, then go flying.
Which one character out of all your books was your favorite to write about? What about the hardest to write about?
My favorite character to write is Sidelle, the Summer Fairy. Why? She’s the least like me and probably how I would want to be. She’s fun, funny, snarky, witty; almost the complete opposite of me.
The hardest? I’d say Shay. For me, I struggled to stay in his character when writing. But as the first book finished, it did become easier.
What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
In March 2017, I’ll be releasing a novella about Kieran, the Guardian Angel: Arrows & Angels.
USA Today bestselling and Award-Winning, Kristin D. Van Risseghem grew up in a small town along the Mississippi River with her parents and older sister. Currently, Kristin lives in Minnesota with her husband and two Calico cats. She also loves attending book clubs, going shopping, and hanging out with friends. She has come to realize that she absolutely has an addiction to purses and shoes. They are her weakness and probably has way too many of both.
In the summer months, Kristin can usually be found lounging on her boat, drinking an ice cold something. Being an avid reader of YA and Women's Literature stories, she still finds time to read a ton of books in-between writing. And in the winter months, her main goal is to stay warm from the Minnesota cold!
Kristin’s books are published by Kasian Publishing LLC.
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Enlighten #1
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Zoe Jabril needs to devise a kick-ass plan to save the world ASAP. Otherwise, Armageddon starts the day she turns eighteen—and if that happens, everything is going to hell. Literally.Excerpt:
She could be any other 17-year-old attending parties and checking out cute guys—except she discovers her best friend is a Guardian Angel and the boy she crushes on is a Nephilim, both sent to protect her from the demons who want her dead.
Now Zoe has to deal with growing feelings toward the Nephilim, who spreads a strange electrical current through her body every time he touches her. And she’s under constant attack from Demons, trying to stop her from fulfilling the Prophecy: a girl will be born who will unite Angels, Nephilim, Fairies and Werewolves to battle evil. Then she has to control newly found talents if she’s to prevent the devil from escaping Hell.
I stumbled into Kieran as a tremor moved through me. Hairs on my arms stood at attention like tiny lightning rods. “Do you feel that?” my voice sounded breathless, even to me.
He glanced sideways, “Feel what?”
“Look.” I held out my arms to him. “I feel strange. Like someone . . .” I rubbed my slightly numb hands over my forearms and sucked in a breath, as he hooked his head around. I fell into step beside him. “Never mind. It’s probably nothing.”
This happens when lightning’s about to strike, right?
The heat from the sun radiated off the few cars parked along Boutique Row, their owners engaged in mid-afternoon shopping. Store fronts displayed the new and trendy “must-have” dresses, shorts, and shoes for the spring season. I paused to see my reflection. Not a hair was out of place. Thank God.__________________________________
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