UFI welcomes Linda Poitevin Author of the Grigori Legacy series. Thanks for Joining us!!
My Top Ten Favorite TV Shows
I am a television addict. I totally, completely love the medium. I love the continuation of a storyline over the span of a series, I love the cliffhangers, and I love sharp, punchy writing. And when I sat down to make this list, it became apparent to me that I have a thing for dark, edgy stories and heroes—and for the less than natural. Given what I write, I suppose that shouldn’t come as a surprise to me...and it almost certainly won’t to you!
1. Fringe: Olivia is hands down one of my favorite TV heroines. Intelligent, reasoning, and very, very capable.
2. Supernatural: I really don’t think I need to explain... ;-)
3. Life: A cop show with nothing paranormal, but the detective does have an edge to him. Cancelled way too soon for my taste.
4. Dr. Who: I started watching this year with the ninth doctor and was instantly hooked. We’re just about finished with the eleventh doctor now. David Tennant remains my firm favorite so far.
5. Torchwood: A spin-off from Dr. Who with a wildly wacky array of adventures and characters.
6. Firefly: I remain in awe of the writing on this show...and live in hope that somehow, someday, it will be resurrected... :-)
7. Big Bang Theory: Neither dark nor paranormal, but funny. You know how some shows get old and lose their sparkle? This one doesn’t.
8. Law & Order SVU: I’ve stopped watching since Olivia and Elliot left, but this was one of the few cop shows I could watch without having my husband comment on all the things they were doing wrong...because they actually get much of it right!
9. Sherlock: it’s British, it’s brilliant, and it has Benedict Cumberbatch. ‘Nuff said. ;-)
10. Downton Abbey: Again, neither dark nor edgy, but what can I say? It’s just plain addictive!
So...are there any of your favorites on this list? Do you love something not on here that you think I should be watching? Tell me—because I’m always open to feeding my addiction!
Linda Poitevin was born and raised in B.C., Canada's westernmost province. Growing up in an era when writing was "a nice hobby, dear, but what are you going to do for a living?", Linda worked at a variety of secretarial jobs before applying to be a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Due to an error in measurement, however, she was turned down when she didn't meet the height requirement of that time. Undeterred, Linda became a civilian member in the force and was a dispatcher for two and a half years, during which time she met her husband, a police officer.
Following their transfer to Ottawa, Linda went on to become a real estate agent and then a human resources consultant before starting a family. She remained a stay-at-home mom, homeschooled her youngest daughter for nine years and, now that she has realized writing can be more than a nice hobby, she continues to live her dream of being a cop vicariously through her characters.
Linda currently lives near Ottawa with her husband, youngest of three daughters, one very large husky/shepherd/Great Dane-cross dog, a cat, two rabbits, and a bearded dragon lizard. When she isn't writing, she can usually be found in her garden or walking her dog along the river or through the woods. In addition to her books, Linda also does freelance writing and editing. Information about her services can be found at www.lindapoitevin.ca. Linda is a member of Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Quebec Writers' Federation, Romance Writers of America, RWA Futuristic Fantasy Paranormal Chapter, and Ottawa Romance Writers' Association.
Find Linda and her books

Grigori Legacy #3
Heaven and Hell are on the brink of war as Lucifer builds his Nephilim army and waits for his new agenda to become a reality — that of having a Nephilimchild of his own bloodline to lead his forces to cataclysmic victory.
With rumors of the pending war rampant on Earth, Alex fights to save humanity from its own panic – leaving little time for her fledgling
relationship with Seth, the man with heavenly origins who has captured her heart. But when Nephilim children begin to disappear, along with Alex’s own vulnerable niece, the inevitable war between Heaven and Hell becomes as personal as sin.
Heaven has its own plans to fight the coming apocalypse, but first it needs Seth back. Asked to betray the man she loves, Alex must turn for help to the soulmate she thought she’d given up — the Archangel Aramael, who may be her last chance to save her family and humanity from the ashes of Lucifer’s Armageddon.
Tour Wide
There are two awesome giveaways included on the tour -
1 - GRAND PRIZE Giveaway (US & Canada ONLY) for a surprise prize package from Penguin - ONE Winner
5 - GRIGORI LEGACY Swag Packs (International) - tote bag, pen, fridge magnet, sticky notes & bookmarks - FIVE Winners
- The Grand Prize Giveaway is open to US/Canada.
- The Grigori Legacy Swag Pack Giveaways are open Internationally.
- Giveaways end on November 10th at 11:59 p.m. Pacific.
- Giveaways are open to anyone 18 and older.
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Week One
Sept. 16th - Parajunkee - Guest PostSept. 18th - Urban Fantasy Investigations - Guest Post
Sept. 20th - Books4Tomorrow - Interview