UFI welcomes Rebecca Trogner Author of The Last Keeper's Daughter. Thanks for Joining us!!
It’s a strange feeling to hand over your
work to another. Will they think I’m nuts? Will there be eye rolling, or
copious amounts of alcohol ingested to get through the pages I’ve so carefully
crafted. As my book is releasing, I sometimes wake up in the middle of the
night wondering what the heck I’ve done.
Will the readers like my book? Will they care for the characters? This
must be how all authors feel, both big and small, and maybe it’s why some of us
are just a tad off center.
I count myself in the “a tad off center”
crew; actually I’m a proud member. I remember the day I told my husband I was
writing a book about vampires, and werewolf hybrids, and Merlin, and a young
woman named Lily. He gave me that look reserved for someone delusional or
suffering from a high fever and uttered, “Yes dear.” My husband has learned
over the years that this is the best response to whatever crazy idea I might
And now, here I am writing a guest blog,
my first actually, for your lovely website. I’d like to tell you everything
about The Last Keeper’s Daughter, so
you will love it as much as I do.
How Krieger is a vampire that I would
hope to meet, if vampires were real. To sit down and talk to someone who has
lived through two thousand years of history, well, what could be better? My
libido is raising her hand, like the good southern girl she is. “Having sex
might be better.”
How Lily is so heartbreakingly damaged
and how she recovers and finds her place in Krieger’s kingdom. How much Krieger
loves her, and what a rare thing that is for a vampire. The gentle way Krieger
guides and tries to protect Lily, without overwhelming her, and placing his own
needs in the background so she can thrive.
How Detective Hunter uses both humor and
his investigative skills to help uncover the killer of the Keepers. How Hunter
bonds with Merlin, the king’s advisor, and a great sorcery.
But, unfortunately, I
cannot convey everything that I wish right now and what I’ve written above must
suffice. But before I go, I’d like to thank my editor who must be a saint, or
maybe an angel in training for her wings, because she took me on - a debut
author who had never written a book - and, well, shall we say I have dubious
ideas about punctuation, and helped to create what I hope you will enjoy, The Last Keeper’s Daughter.
Rebecca Trogner lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and
frequently crosses the Blue Ridge Mountains that were the inspiration
for Krieger’s home. She always dreamed of being a writer, but got
sidetracked by the day-to-day adventures of life. With the encouragement
of her family, she has finished her first novel and is currently
writing the next book in The Last Keeper’s Daughter series. Rebecca
lives with her husband and son, and a rescue dog named Giblet.

The Last Keepers Daughter #1
Born into old money, Lily Ayres lives at Waverly, her family’s estate situated at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Paris, Virginia. She is a strange, small, almost mute, young woman who has no idea that her father has given her to the Vampire King Krieger. Walter Ayres is the King’s Keeper and part of a secret society of historians who unearth, preserve, and attempt to understand relics of long forgotten civilizations.
Lily has never felt comfortable in the human world, but after she suspiciously falls down a flight of stone steps, and is healed and claimed by Krieger, she realizes there is another world. In this Other Realm she feels a sense of belonging, and begins to untwine the mysterious event which left her mentally and psychologically damaged. When Walter disappears in England, Lily works with human and supernatural beings to uncover his whereabouts. With each new discovery, she is pulled deeper into the vortex of magic, intrigue, and dark desires that permeates the supernatural world. The revelations revealed unfold a story of deception and betrayal that threaten to tear the thin veil between the supernatural and human world asunder.