UFI welcomes author Alyxandra Harvey. Thanks for Joining us!!
What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from
looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
I am learning to drive our tractor. This may or may not end well. And I’ve
discovered it takes remarkable upper arm strength to steer an ATV and I am very
wobbly on a vespa.
What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
I love going for long walks with my dogs and doing very practical things like
embroidering the Tardis. And making ginger candy.
What is your Favorite part of writing?
I love that I can travel anywhere, from back in time to worlds that don't
exist! The best moments are when I get lost in a story and I look up and hours
have passed and I had no idea. It’s a special kind of time travel.
Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
I try not to get too precious about my writing routines-- it can be a
double-edged sword. I’d hate to trip myself up just because I can’t find my
favourite pen or incense. That said, a cup of vanilla tea and a quiet room is
habitual. If it’s a grey rainy day, so much the better!
What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/
Paranormal Genres?
I love the books of Laini Taylor, Maggie Stiefvater and Leigh Bardugo.
I am evangelical about Laini Tailor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone.
How would you pitch The Lovegrove Legacy to someone who has not
heard of it before?
Pride and Prejudice meets Charmed!
Can you tell us a little bit about the world that The Lovegrove Legacy
is set in?
The Lovegrove Legacy is set in an alternate Regency world, where magical
families rule behind the elegant façade of London Mayfair. There’s a goblin
market, spells gone awry, a girl with antlers, and boys in cravats.
Which one character out of all your books was your favorite to write
about? What about the hardest to write about?
Whoever I am writing about currently tends to be my favourite, but writing
Gretchen in Whisper the Dead was definitely great fun—she is all snark and
defiance. So far the characters have all been very forthcoming…there’s not one
that stands out as difficult thought certain scenes were certainly harder than
others (spoiler alert!)
What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
My next book is a paranormal YA with Entangled Publishing. Details soon on my
website: www.alyxandraharvey.com
Alyxandra Harvey lives in a stone Victorian house in Ontario, Canada with a few resident ghosts who are allowed to stay as long as they keep company manners. She loves medieval dresses, used to be able to recite all of The Lady of Shalott by Tennyson, and has been accused, more than once, of being born in the wrong century. She believes this to be mostly true except for the fact that she really likes running water, women’s rights, and ice cream.
Find Alyxandra and her books

The Lovegrove Legacy #2
Cousins Gretchen, Emma, and Penelope are all dealing with what it means to be a Lovegrove. For Gretchen, it means she often feels like her head is going to explode. As a Whisperer, Gretchen constantly hears the whispers of other witches' spells. And while this does help her to know when one of her own spells is going wrong, the incessant buzzing and pain the whispers cause makes it difficult to use her gift.
But when something evil begins to menace Mayfair, Gretchen must find a way to master her power. Along with her cousins, a madcap named Moira, and the icy yet irresistible Tobias Lawless, Gretchen faces deadly threats and unimaginable loss in the hopes of preventing the terrible Greymalkin Sisters from rising again.
The second book in The Lovegrove Legacy trilogy, Whisper the Dead will leave readers spellbound.
The contrast between fighting off the Rovers and pasting a polite smile on her face for the single sons of earls was too stark. Residual magic burned through her. She was surprised the air around her didn’t crackle. Her mother shouldn’t begrudge her a stolen moment in the library, not if the alternative involved magic shooting off the ends of her hair. Hardly subtle.
Not to mention hardly marriageable material.
On second thought….
Better not. She’d already pushed her luck by going off with Godric.
Egyptian onion farming it was then. She walked along the book shelves, reading titles and glancing into the glass-fronted cabinets that held Lord Worthing’s collection of painted globes. It was dull and dusty and soothing. Her witch knot stopped aching.
Until someone grabbed her arm, yanking it behind her back and spinning her around. Her check pressed to the cold glass of a curio cabinet. Pain shot up to her elbow when she tried to move. “Who are you?” a man’s asked, his voice quiet and cold in her ear.
“Who am I?” she barked back. “Who the hell are you?” He evaded the kick she aimed at his most sensitive parts. Her skirts wrapped around her knees, hobbling and infuriating her. He turned her roughly around.
Tobias Lawless.
She wasn’t sure which of the two of them was more surprised.
Someone so chilly and perfect and wearing such a flawless cravat shouldn’t be mauling ladies in dark libraries. He also shouldn’t have several short iron daggers tucked inside his cutaway coat. It probably said something unsavory about her character that the sight of those daggers made her like him a bit more. But only a little bit.
“Let me go,” she yanked savagely down, breaking his hold. He didn’t move back, and his body continued to block her against the cabinets. The glass rattled.
“What are you doing?” he stepped closer still. She had to tilt her chin up.
“I am currently being accosted,” she snapped, driving the heel of her shoe into the top of his foot. He fell back a step, growling in his throat. Growling. He really didn’t seem the type.
She made a proper fist, not like the ones girls made when they hadn’t practiced before. She’d already punched a Rover tonight. She was very comfortable punching Tobias, Lord Killingsworth. Eager, in fact.
“What is wrong with you?” she asked finally. “Are you drunk?”
“Certainly not.”
She raised an eyebrow. “I’m the one being mauled and yet you take offense?”
“I can smell it on you,” he answered which was no answer at all. “There’s no use prevaricating.”
“I don’t usually bother lying about perfume,” she replied, now more bewildered than concerned.
“Not perfume,” he ground out, as if she was the frustrating one. “Dark magic.”
Her eyes narrowed to angry slits. “I beg your pardon.”
“As you should.”
She aimed for his head. It was big and fat and so perfectly groomed, how could she miss? He caught her wrist and squeezed. Hard. He shouldn’t have been fast enough.
An iron-nail pendant in the shape of a wheel slipped out from under his collar. Gretchen stared at it, then transferred her glare to his haughty, unkindly beautiful face. “I knew it.” She gave him a smile better suited to one of the animals in the zoological gardens. “You’re a bloody Keeper.”
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