Hello! Thank you for joining me. Today I’m celebrating the release of my time travel romance RENDEZVOUS WITH YESTERDAY, The Gifted Ones Book 2. It’s always a pleasure to be here at Urban Fantasy Investigations, where today I have been asked the fun question:
What are the Top Five items that you wish you would have saved from your childhood?
The first things that came to mind when I saw this are items that are currently either on display in my home or tucked safely away in my closet. ☺ I’ve actually managed to save quite a few treasures from my childhood. Photographs. Home movies. A clay bust my dad, who—among other things—was a very talented artist, made of me when I was five years old. When I pondered what I had not managed to save, though, I was surprised by the things that came to mind, most (if not all) of which I suspect will give off a nerdy vibe. ☺
- Books. One of my earliest memories from elementary school was of waiting for the Book Bus to arrive on Friday. I can’t remember how often it came. I only remember that my teacher would pass out thin catalogues for us to take home. I’d tell my parents which books I wanted. They’d fill out the form and give me a check to include when I turned it in to my teacher. Then two weeks later the Book Bus would return and a cellophane wrapped collection of books would be waiting on my desk when I got to school. I was always so excited. And many of those books are now sadly out of print.
- My globe. Almost every child I knew had a globe in his/her bedroom, and I was no different. I wish I would’ve saved mine. It always feels odd to me when I think this, but the world map has changed since I was a child. And it continues to change as wars are fought, borders shift, and new countries form. I would love to have that globe from my childhood so I could show it to future grandchildren and note the differences.
- Rocks, rusty nails, and fool’s gold. Weird, right? Well, every summer when the excruciating heat would kick in, my parents would load up the car and we’d head out of the city for a vacation up in the mountains. Once there, we’d pile into our sturdy four-wheel-drive jeep, head up pretty much any barely discernible trail we could find and explore whatever we found at the end of it. Sometimes it was just wilderness. Other times it was abandoned 19th century mines and ghost towns. Not the kind that give visitors tours and have gift shops. The kind that are way off the beaten path and are only populated by mice or other critters. And sometimes I would find rocks, large rusty railway nails, and other gems there. I wish I would’ve saved those. They had such a history.
- A Papier-mâché Viking boat. I had actually forgotten about this until I watched Game of Thrones. ☺ But I remember making a papier-mâché Viking boat when I was in elementary school that turned out really well. It had a dragon head on it and everything. My dad helped me with it, so—in addition to looking cool—it had great sentimental value.
- The earliest stories I wrote. I actually wrote my first novel when I was twelve or thirteen years old. That’s one of the treasures I have tucked away in my closet. But that was not my first foray into fiction writing. I remember writing short stories before that. Alas, I didn’t keep them, so most are now forgotten.
What about you? Are there any items from your childhood you wish you would’ve saved?

The Gifted Ones Book 2
By Dianne Duvall
Publishing Date: October 17, 2016
Special Pre-Order Discounted Price—$4.99
Modern-day bounty hunter Bethany Bennett helps her brother track two fugitives to a forest outside of Houston, Texas. But what should have been a routine apprehension of two bail skippers spirals out of control and ends in violence. After Beth and her brother are both seriously injured, a mysterious figure suddenly looms over her. And, when the smoke clears, Beth finds herself not only in another place, but in another time. As Lord Robert, Earl of Fosterly, attempts to identify and track down the nameless enemy who has been plaguing his lands and people with violence, the most peculiar woman stumbles into his path. Small, vulnerable, yet possessed of a bold, fiery spirit and wicked sense of humor, she persists in dubbing Robert and his men members of something called a medieval reenactment group . . . until she sees his castle and labels herself mad. It seems bounty hunter Bethany Bennett has come to him from the future, bringing with her laughter and chaos, swiftly winning the hearts of his people and inspiring within him a love he thought he would never experience again. But when Robert discovers a way for her to return to her time, will the love they share be enough to keep them together?
Order your copy today!
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And don’t miss the book that started it all!
A Sorceress of His Own (The Gifted Ones, #1) - http://amzn.to/2azImN6

Dianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series and The Gifted Ones series. Her books have twice been nominated for the RT Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance and are routinely deemed Top Picks by RT Book Reviews, The Romance Reviews, and/or Night Owl Reviews. Reviewers have called Dianne's books "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly), "extraordinary" (Long and Short Reviews), and "wonderfully imaginative" (The Romance Reviews). Dianne loves all things creative. When she isn't writing, Dianne is active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the vampires she has created in her books. For the latest news on upcoming releases, contests, and more, please visit www.DianneDuvall.com. You can also find Dianne online . . .
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