UFI welcomes Author Ishabelle Torry. Thanks for Joining us!!
This or That
Angels or Demons: You cannot have one without the other!
Vampires or Shifters: Shifters, definitely shifters.
Left or Right: Right.
Up or Down: *grins* both
Pizza or Pasta: Pizza. Mexican style with sour cream!
Coffee or Tea: Coffee in morning, tea in the evening.
Coke or Pepsi: Diet Sunkist…er or Coke works in a pinch.
YA or Adult: Adult
Knives or Guns: Knives.
Reading or Writing: It depends on the day!
Facebook or Twitter: I'm a Facebook-aholic.
At the age of fourteen, Ishabelle Torry stole her first romance novel, Warrior's Lady by Madeline Baker, from her mother's glass "no-no" cabinet. It was then Ishabelle fell in love with the idea of new worlds, love conquers all, and the ability to forget the real world as she took on the lives of characters that were just as real as the people she interacted with every day. It wasn't long before her fixation with romance novels landed her in the high school office to collect the books confiscated during the previous week. Ishabelle swore one day she'd write the kind of book that would keep readers so enthralled, they'd too risk confiscation to keep turning the pages!
Find Ishabelle and her books

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Melanie Fyre is a passionate teacher determined to raise funds for the town's school. What better way to do it than by expanding the local businesses? All she needs is land. Untouched for years thanks to a local superstition, the Crowe property is perfect. If Melanie can debunk the myth, she can get the use of those 600 beautiful acres. She just has to prove to the town that Leah's ghost is not haunting the mansion, even on Samhain night.__________________________________
Burned to death and proclaimed a witch, Leah Crowe's soul has been cursed to an eternity of loneliness, all because she dared to love a woman. When the saucy Melanie arrives at her home to throw a costume party that mocks Leah's very existence, the bitter ghost resolves to renew the town's fear of her name. Will Leah's ghost ruin all of Melanie's plans?
That voice… Melanie's head snapped left, then right. "Leah?" On either side stood groups of people, but no one she didn't recognize immediately—even through the plethora of costumes. She turned in a circle, searching for the face the voice belonged to. "You know it's not nice to stalk people."
"I was thinking much the same in regards to someone inviting themselves into my home."
Melanie jumped. It sounded as if Leah were speaking directly into her ear. "Your home? As in Leah Crowe's home?" She laughed so hard she snorted. "So that's what you were doing in the room upstairs…haunting me?"
Once again, Leah's voice sounded near. "No. I had only intended to ask that you leave and take your party elsewhere. I will haunt you if you fail to comply."
Melanie crossed her arms and chuckled. Someone was definitely pranking her.
Circled by a group of men paying homage to her costume, Ally randomly waved from across the room, raising a glass of beer. Melanie smirked. So busted! This scenario had her best friend's name written all over it. She nodded, licking her lips. "Bring it on, ghost chick. This party needs some entertainment anyway."
That voice… Melanie's head snapped left, then right. "Leah?" On either side stood groups of people, but no one she didn't recognize immediately—even through the plethora of costumes. She turned in a circle, searching for the face the voice belonged to. "You know it's not nice to stalk people."
"I was thinking much the same in regards to someone inviting themselves into my home."
Melanie jumped. It sounded as if Leah were speaking directly into her ear. "Your home? As in Leah Crowe's home?" She laughed so hard she snorted. "So that's what you were doing in the room upstairs…haunting me?"
Once again, Leah's voice sounded near. "No. I had only intended to ask that you leave and take your party elsewhere. I will haunt you if you fail to comply."
Melanie crossed her arms and chuckled. Someone was definitely pranking her.
Circled by a group of men paying homage to her costume, Ally randomly waved from across the room, raising a glass of beer. Melanie smirked. So busted! This scenario had her best friend's name written all over it. She nodded, licking her lips. "Bring it on, ghost chick. This party needs some entertainment anyway."