What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
I have three dogs who rule my life, and sometimes make it a living hell. LOL. My little Shih Tzu, Elvis, a Great Dane named Harley, and a mixed breed, Gizmo. They’re awesome, and I love them like my kids (don’t tell my kids that) but they keep me on my toes.
What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
I don’t have down time. Really. Ever. I have so many parts of my life from the TV/Movie critic thing, to being an editor, to owning my own editing company, radio personality, being an author…there is no free time. I travel a great deal, which is fun. But I’m just as happy staying home. At least once a week, my Hub and I try to go on some kind of date.
What is your Favorite part of writing?
Creating stories and living in those worlds for however long it takes.
Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
I have little rituals. I light a candle. Try to make sure my desk is cleaned off, and I have to have my tunes. Sometimes it takes me longer to find the right music, than it does to write the first 100 pages. Truth.
What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Genres?
Nora Roberts, Laurell K. Hamilton, Jaye Wells…It’s late on a Friday night and I love so many PNR and UF authors, but those come to mind.
How would you pitch Baby’s Got Bite to someone who has not heard of it before?
Hot Alpha werewolf, accidentally knocks up a one-night stand and falls in love. Linc finds Bennett extraordinarily sexy, she thinks he’s pretty hot as well. They’re sort of forced together by circumstances and it’s fun to watch out that relationship, which is pretty cantankerous in the beginning, becomes a loving one.
Can you tell us a little bit about the world that Baby’s Got Bite is set in?
It’s a contemporary world, much like ours, but there are supernatural creatures, who are governed by a council. But I try to keep the stories very personal. We like to say that Covets are contemporary romances with a dash of paranormal. So there is world building, but it’s a smaller part of the story than most PNR or UF books.
Do you have a favorite scene in Baby’s Got Bite?
I think I’m supposed to like them all, but…the one I like the best it toward the end and would ruin everything if I tell you. There’s something really lovely my hero does for heroine at the beginning of the book, that makes my heart tug every time. If you don’t fall in love with Linc in that moment, you have no soul. (SMILE)
Which one character out of all your books was your favorite to write about?
What about the hardest to write about? I love all my children. All of them. But Bronwyn, from my first series, Charmed and Dangerous, has always been the easiest voice for me. I wrote a spy once, that one was hard just because I had to do so much research.
What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
I have a paranormal Young Adult that just came out last month under the name Mackenzie McGuire. I write that series with my friend Gwen Reyes. We wanted to write something kind of fun and light that reminded us of the books we loved. I have several contemporaries coming out with Entangled and Harlequin, most of which I don’t have titles for yet. And I’m going back into Bronwyn’s world for a little Christmas story in December.
Bestselling author Candace Havens has written multiple novels for Berkley, Entangled and Harlequin. Her books have received nominations for the RITA's, Holt Medallion and Write Touch Reader Awards. She is the author of the biography Joss Whedon: The Genius Behind Buffy and a contributor to several anthologies.
She is also one of the nation's leading entertainment journalists and has interviewed countless celebrities including Tom Hanks, Nicolas Cage, Tom Cruise, George Clooney and many more. Her entertainment columns can be read in more than 600 newspapers across the country. Candace also runs a free online writing workshop for more than 2200 writers, and teaches comprehensive writing class. She does film reviews with the Hawkeye & Dorsey on 96.3, and is a former President of the Television Critics Association.
Find Candace and her books

Take It Like A Vamp #2
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Some consequences bite . . . big time.__________________________________
Bennett Langdon has a firm no-relationships policy. Still, it doesn't stop her from hooking up with a super-sexy bad boy at her best friend's wedding. After all, it's only one night—what harm could it do? Ten weeks later, a pregnant Bennett has her answer...
Linc Monahan can't believe it. This wasn't supposed to happen. He's a werewolf, and shouldn't be able to father a child with a human. Now Linc has to find some way to tell Bennett that not only do werewolves exist, but she's about to have a baby with one.
But when word of their surprise conception gets out, the fur hits the fan. There are people who don't want this baby to be born—even if it means killing. Now Bennett and Linc aren't just fighting each other . . . they're fighting for their lives.
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