What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
I’m an accountant. But I swear, I’m not boring! I’m a cake-making, pen-wielding, paintbrush-behind-my-ear type of a gamer girl.
What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
I am also an artist. I have been posting my art online (under a few different names over the years) for more than twenty years now. Easiest place to find my artwork is either at my twitter @LMaybrooke or by visiting Deviantart (https://www.deviantart.com/lauramaybrooke).

I find that my writing and my art hobby support each other very well, because I can bring the story to life.
What is your favorite part of writing?
I think many would find this answer odd, but I love editing. Editing is my favorite part of writing. I know, I know, most people dislike that. But I love editing because that it when the story truly begins to take shape and sheds all the excess under which the diamond hides.
Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
I am pretty relaxed about writing. I write whenever I can. I work a fulltime job and have family, which means writing time is in great demand. I have no time to be picky. The only thing is I must always have my music – it helps me to concentrate on the task at hand.
What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Genres?
Kelly Creagh with the Nevermore series and Nora Roberts (when she writes fun paranormal & fantasy romance) and getting into Sarah J. Maas now.
How would you pitch IMMORTAL DEFIANCE to someone who has not heard of it before?
Immortal Defiance is a slow-burn paranormal fantasy romance, where the lines blur between heroes and villains, and where things are far from what they seem. In its heart is an elven heroine who finds that not all heroes are good… or even alive.
Can you tell us a little bit about the world that IMMORTAL DEFIANCE is set in?
The story of Immortal Defiance, a story of friendships, valor, and courage against the backdrop of a freedom war, is set on the medieval-like continent of Caeryn. There’s magic, wizards, talking dragons, ancient castles, and a cure that may be deadlier than the poison.
Do you have a favorite scene in IMMORTAL DEFIANCE?
As a matter of fact, I do, yes. However, telling it here would spoil a huge part of the book, so I will go with one of my other favorites. I have also done a character art picture of this scene and will have it posted for you here. This is where a part of the world’s lore comes into play.
Which one character out of all your books was your favorite to write about? What about the hardest to write about?
I confess to being partial to my dark hero / antihero / villain Krath. He is complex and multifaceted, and I am happy to know others have also found him so. My hardest to write about was Nemnyan, the trusted friend sidekick, but he, too, grew to be a character in his own right as the books progressed.
What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
Immortal Defiance is part of a trilogy, the first book. Books 2 and 3 have already been written, and they are currently in the editing stage. My goal is to have both books out in 2020.
“I live in my own little world. But it’s ok, they know me here.” (Who besides me has this fridge magnet; raise your hand!)
That’s sometimes what it feels like. Who says stories aren’t real? I live in the land of the Midnight Sun and Polar Nights, together with my husband and daughter, and a cast of fantasy characters running around in my head. It’s busy here. Care to stay and chat a while?
Laura Maybrooke is an 80s’ child, who works too much and writes too little, but who’ll never say no to a thrilling romance, a high fantasy adventure, or a cookbook full of delicious treats she’d like to bake one day.
Find Laura and her books

Dulcea's Rebellion #1
Some things never die. Hope. Heroes. Defiance.
Things take a strange turn for Dulcea, the elven enchantress turned war heroine and Dragonmistress, when a countryman's betrayal lands her in enemy hands.
As she awaits her execution, a stranger with mysterious powers offers her another chance at life. Will she die here or risk what sinister fate he has in store for her?
Can Dulcea reclaim her rightful place and lead her army once more? Or does Krath, the man who travels the Realm of the Dead as one of its own, prove to be the obstacle that fells her rebellion?
… Or will this immortal vampire warrior turn out to be the best chance she has of defying the ancient evil arising in the west?
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