Monday, May 23, 2011

Review: Mind Games by Taylor Keating

Mind Games
Author:Taylor Keating
Release Date: May 24, 2011
Publisher: Tor
Guardian Book #2
ISBN:   0765365480
ISBN13: 9780765365484
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Review Copy Source: From Publisher for review

River Weston thinks her problems are over. She managed to escape the virtual world of her video game—and the clutches of the Dark Lord who attempted to enslave her—with body and mind intact. But her return to the real world is anything but easy. Framed for monstrous crimes she didn’t commit, and hunted by members of a dark government agency, it is all she can do to stay one step ahead of her pursuers.

Guardian Chase Hawkins gained his freedom from the Dark Lord’s prison, but it came with a heavy price. Trapped in another man’s body, his soul slowly deteriorating, Hawk knows he must return to his world—and his body—before the damage is irreparable.

Racing against time, River and Hawk know that in order to have a future together, they must work to reveal the secrets hidden in River’s past.
River and Chase are back in the real world and are running from their enemies. MIND GAMES picks up right where GAME OVER ended. Just like GAME OVER there is a ton of action and things happening at every turn. The pacing was great, I did find the passing of time in the book a bit funky but it didn't take away from the story.  River and Chase's relationship continues to form and grow. River is on the search for answers as she continues to learn what and who she really is.  Chase has to deal with being in someone else's body that is nothing like the real him. They really work well together and I can't imagine them apart. The ending wraps a great deal of the story up and throws in a fabulous layout to where book 3 is going to start and what its going to be about. 

I gave it 4/5 stars 

1 comment:

  1. Great review. I am yet to start the first one, but I am dying too. Man this sounds even more exciting than I thought. Thank you for the great review hon :)


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