Monday, August 31, 2015

Guest Blog + Giveaway: Blood and Metal by Nina Croft

UFI welcomes Author Nina Croft. Thanks for Joining us!!

Immortality – which type would you choose? 

Hi, I’m Nina Croft and I write romance, all sorts of romance, but often mixed with science fiction or paranormal or both. My latest release, BLOOD AND METAL, is book 5 in my Dark Desires series. When I started the series, I intended it to be pure space opera (I’d just finished watching Joss Whedon’s firefly at the time), but then the pilot of my space ship turned up flashing a pair of fangs. What could I do?

Actually, the more I thought about the idea of vampires in space, the more I liked it. After all, if vampires exist now (which of course they do) and they are immortal (which everyone knows they are), why shouldn’t they exist in the future? So Ricardo Sanchez, space pirate and vampire, was allowed to stay.

The series follows the adventures, romantic and otherwise, of the crew of the spaceship, the Blood Hunter. Rico is the hero of Break Out, book 1 in the series, and in book 5, Blood and Metal, we have another vampire. Daisy, the heroine, is the co-pilot of the Blood Hunter. She’s a plant/human hybrid and now a newly turned vampire (Rico had to change her to save her life, in book 4) struggling to come to terms with the darkness and the blood-hunger.

One of the many things which fascinates me about vampires is their immortality, and this fits very well into the overall theme of the Dark Desires series, which looks at man’s fear of death, and his search for ever lasting life. The truth is, I don’t want to die (ask me again in a few thousand years and I might change my mind), and I’m sure many people feel the same.

But you don’t have to go the vampire route. In my vision of the future, there are other sorts of immortality available. The series is set in a time where Earth is no longer habitable, and man has fled to the stars. There they have discovered Meridian, a substance with the power to bestow immortality. Meridian is extremely rare and only available to a select few, and a new class has evolved—the Collective—super-rich and immortal, they rule the universe. Unfortunately, there are a few side effects which only become apparent with time.

And then there’s Fergal, the hero of Blood and Metal. Fergal knows he’s never going to be able to afford the Meridian treatment and so he got himself inducted into a super-secret and highly-illegal cybernetics program which promises immortality. But it’s experimental and there are a few glitches along the way…

And finally, there’s the Church. While not everyone can afford Meridian, everyone wants to live forever, and religious beliefs have gained a new popularity. The Church of Everlasting Life offers a cheaper, if less reliable, alternative to immortality with its promise of an afterlife in paradise.
So which type of immortality would you choose? Meridian, expensive but reliable; the bite of a vampire, not always successful, but if it works, you’re set for life—or rather death; Cybernetics; very new and risky; or eternal paradise Church-style—al l you need is a little faith.
Or would you rather just die?

Nina Croft grew up in the north of England. After training as an accountant, she spent four years working as a volunteer in Zambia, which left her with a love of the sun and a dislike of nine-to-five work. She then spent a number of years mixing travel (whenever possible) with work (whenever necessary) but has now settled down to a life of writing and picking almonds on a remote farm in the mountains of southern Spain.

Nina writes all types of romance, often mixed with elements of the paranormal and science fiction.

Find Nina and her books

Blood and Metal
Dark Desires #5
Amazon BN    Entangled     Goodreads
She's his last chance for redemption...if she doesn't kill him first.

Copilot of the Blood Hunter, Daisy is a newly-turned vampire, and she's hungry. Really hungry and it's interfering with her plans for revenge. Unfortunately, the only thing that can distract her from said hunger is sex...which is a problem when she can barely refrain from draining any man dry within moments. But old flame Fergal Cain might just be the sexy-assed solution to her problem.

Part human, part cyborg, and with a poison coursing through his system, Fergal's running out of time to find the scientist who has the cure. Unfortunately for him, the misfit crew of the Blood Hunter put a serious kink in his plans. And if the poison doesn't kill him, the hot little vamp he can't resist might do the honors herself...

Tour Wide


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me today! Nina

  2. Congrats to Nina on her new release!! This looks and sounds awesome :) thanks for sharing!


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