UFI welcomes Monica Corwin Author of Down the Rabbit Hole . Thanks for Joining us!!
What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
Possibly that I am a raging caffeine addict. It all started during my military service and I haven't been able to shake it no matter how hard I try. I can drink coffee before bed and sleep just fine…that's how bad it is.
What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
Reading usually, walking around town, and cross-stitching. Sometimes I need to get out of books and do things that set me in reality while still allowing me to feel artistic.
What is your Favorite part of writing?
I love bringing to life my imagination. It's a dark and dangerous place and I love others to see what makes me…well me.
Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
Not really. I have to use certain pens if I am writing by hand. But that is about it. I need to develop some…maybe I'll write better.
What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Genres?
Once upon a time it was The Mists of Avalon but I heard something terrible about the author and I can't look at the books the same anymore. Now I would have to sat Written in Red (and the series) by Anne Bishop are my favorite in PNR/UF world. I am also a big fan of Kresley Cole's super-long PNR series as well as J.R. Ward's BDB.
How would you pitch Down the Rabbit Hole to someone who has not heard of it before?
It's a sexy Alice in Wonderland flavored romp through the lives of a barista and a cop in the midst of a hunt for a serial killer.
Can you tell us a little bit about the world that Down the Rabbit Hole is set in?
It's just set in everyday contemporary America. Nothing fantastical.
Do you have a favorite scene in Down the Rabbit Hole?
I like the candy part in the love scene. If you read it you know what I mean.
Which character was your favorite to write about? What about the hardest to write about?
I like Officer March in this story. I can't tell you more or I'll give the twist away but…he is my favorite as I like writing characters like him
What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you?
In the Wonderland Tales I also have a second story called Paint the Roses Red and toward the end of March I have a novella coming out called You May Kiss the Bride.
This or That
Answered as Elsa from Down the Rabbit Hole:
Angels or Demons : Demons
Vampires or Shifters : Shifters
Left or Right: Right
Up or Down: Up
Pizza or Pasta: Pizza
Coffee or Tea : Coffee…I'm a barista…and I've never liked tea. It's so finicky. *steps off soapbox*
Coke or Pepsi : Coke
YA or Adult: Adult
Knives or Guns: Neither. I'm not a fan of violence.
Reading or Writing: Reading
Facebook or Twitter: Um…neither? I don't know much about either one.
Monica Corwin is an outspoken writer who believes romance is for everyone no matter their preferences. Displaced in Central Pennsylvania, Monica Corwin attempts to spend her days writing away in her home by the river. In reality, she chases around a toddler and writes when she can. In her free time she drinks entirely too much coffee and collects tomes on King Arthur. Monica Corwin has over thirteen published works from publishers such as Crimson Romance and Cleis Press.
Find Monica and her books

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Elsa Waters works long hours running The Rabbit Hole, a coffee shop in the center of town. Her only dreams consist of keeping the business afloat and the sexy police officer who doesn't even notice her on his daily coffee run.__________________________________
Officer Harris March tried everything in the book to get Elsa to show some sort of interest in him. Finally a dangerous idea takes root in his mind and he decides to risk it all for the chance to have the woman of his dreams.
On a cold and rainy night two people begin to believe the impossible as their long held fantasies are finally realized.
She smiled and rearranged herself on the couch in an attempt to at least look more attractive. As alluring as one could possibly be while covered in coffee bean dust. But as she moved so did he. When her elbow hit the wall her funny bone pinged, and she dropped her cup of warm coffee right in his lap.
"Oh my God. I'm so sorry!" She jumped up to help him.
"It's ok. It's not hot, but I should probably dry these."
"Here let me," she said dropping to her knees in front of him. Before she could even think about the situation she had his belt open and then stood to help him out of his pants.
"This really is a full service place," he said with a chuckle.
She jerked away from him as realization dawned.
"I'm such an idiot tonight," Elsa said as she turned away so he wouldn't see the tears pooling at the corners of her eyes.
She heard the rustle of cloth and turned back around to find him standing in a white T-shirt, black boxer briefs, and his socks. A naked pistol was clutched in his hand. He laid the gun on the coffee table. Elsa gathered his clothes and took them to the dryer in the other room. Luckily she had washed all the towels in the shop earlier, or he'd have been stuck in wet clothes all night.
When she came back into the room, she found him lounging just as he had been completely comfortable in his partial nudity.
Happy 5th Birthday Breathless Press!!
August, Breathless Press is turning 5! To celebrate we are releasing a limited
edition Hardcover collection of our special birthday Wonderland Tales and to make sure that you're able to indulge in a
little birthday fun, we are also having a month long 50% off sale across our
site (www.breathlesspress.com).
Wonderland Tales HC
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5th Birthday Rafflecopter Giveaway
Prize: 1 x Limited Edition Hardcover copy of our birthda Wonderland Tales, a
$20 Amazon GC and a $5 Breathless Press GC.
2nd Prize: Paperback print edition of our birthday Wonderland Tales, a $10 Amazon GC and a $5 Breathless Press GC
3rd Prize: A paperback print edition of our birthday Wonderland Tales, a $5 Amazon GC and a $3 Breathless Press GC
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